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Surge in airline hiring boosts interest in aspiring pilots
By DAVID KOENIG, AP Airlines Writer
DALLAS (AP) — Major U.S. airlines are hiring pilots at a rate not seen since before 9/11, and that is encouraging more young people to consider a career in the cockpit.
Hiring is likely to remain brisk for years. Smaller airlines in the U.S. are struggling with a shortage that will continue as they lose pilots to the bigger carriers, which in turn will need to replace thousands of retiring pilots over the next few years.
Aircra  maker Boeing predicts that the U.S. will need 117,000 new pilots by 2036. Just a decade ago thousands of pilots were furloughed and some abandoned the profession.
 e shortage has been felt most keenly at regional carriers where many pilots start their airline careers.
Last summer, Alaska Airlines subsidiary Horizon Air canceled more than 300  ights over two months for lack of pilots. Republic Airways  led for bankruptcy protection in 2016, citing a pilot shortage that forced it to ground  ights.
Many regional carriers  y smaller planes for American Eagle, Delta Connection and United Express. Signing bonuses and higher pay have helped them hire more than 17,000 pilots in the past four years, but that only replaced those who moved up to the major carriers, according to the Regional Airline Association.
Demand at the major airlines is expected to grow as thousands of pilots at American, Delta, United and Southwest hit the U.S. mandatory pilot-retirement age of 65 in the next several years.
American Airlines CEO Doug Parker be- lieves the industry will cope.
“Economics is going to take care of this, and I think that’s what is happening now,” Parker says. “ e ( ight) schools are starting to  ll up with people who realize, ‘If I can get myself to 1,500 hours (the minimum  ight hours needed to
get an airline-pilot license), I can be assured of a career as a pilot.’  at’s not something people could convince themselves of from 9/11 on until now.”
Pilot hiring nosedived a er the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks that led to a decline in travel, and again during the global  nancial crisis in 2008- 2009. Major U.S. airlines hired only 30 pilots in 2009, according to Future & Active Pilot Advi- sors, a career-counseling business for pilots.
 e job market didn’t pick up signi cantly until around 2014. Last year 10 of the largest U.S. passenger and cargo airlines hired 4,988 pi- lots, the most since 2000 when they hired 5,105.
“It’s the best sellers’ market I have seen in the last 45 years of monitoring airline pilot hiring,” says Louis Smith, a retired airline pilot who runs the pilot-counseling out t.
Smith says forums for aspiring pilots that once drew a couple dozen people now some- times attract more than 150. Some hope to make a mid-career change, which was rare just a few years ago.
Aaron Ludomirski is one of those ca- reer-changers.  e 31-year-old from Asbury Park, New Jersey, says he always wanted to be
a pilot but studied business instead because the bleak job opportunities for pilots in the years a er 9/11 didn’t justify the cost of school and  ight training. A er college he started an online marketing business.
“Year a er year I found myself less and less satis ed with my work,” he says. “I started thinking about what kind of career would really lead me to feeling ful lled and accomplished, and I kept coming back to aviation.”
Ludomirski did some fresh research and learned that pilots were back in demand — and more would be retiring in the next few years. He quit his job and went to  ight school. Now he is working as a  ight instructor to gain the required  ying time for an airline pilot.
“I can interview for and even accept a con- ditional letter of employment and know I have my dream job lined up for me when I’m ready,” he says.
Applications for commercial aviation ma- jors at the University of North Dakota, a big aeronautical school, have more than doubled in the last three years, says Elizabeth Bjerke, an aviation professor and one of the authors of the university’s widely watched forecast on pilot supply.
Some students graduate early to take advan- tage of the job market and the chance to move up the seniority list quickly because so many older pilots are retiring.
“Our graduates will  y at the regionals for
a very short period,” Bjerke said. “ ey are getting picked up by the major carriers in their mid-20s, which would have been just crazy to think of 15 or 20 years ago.”
Michael Wiggins, chairman of the aeronauti-
cal science department at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University, says his school’s graduates are getting multiple job o ers from regional airlines.
Pilots who become captains on jumbo jets that  y international routes can earn more than $300,000 a year. But for anyone starting out
in the profession, the training is expensive — upward of $100,000.
A few years ago, those who made it faced starting pay for  rst o cers or co-pilots at regional airlines in the low-$20,000s. With bonuses and higher hourly rates, some regionals now claim to o er starting pay of $80,000 or more, but even that might not be enough to meet future demand.
 e Regional Airline Association is push- ing to change a 2013 federal rule that requires 1,500 hours of  ying time — usually in small, single-engine planes — by replacing some of
it with supervised classroom instruction.  e group’s president, Faye Malarkey Black, says su- pervised training would produce aviators with skills more relevant to piloting an airliner.
But a similar proposal appears stalled in Congress, partly due to opposition from families of the 50 people who died in the last deadly crash of a U.S. airliner, a Colgan Air plane in 2009. Black believes the Trump administration has the authority to change the minimum  ight hours without waiting for Congress to act, but she admits that will be di cult “as long as those changes are successfully cast as rolling back safety.”
JetBlue Airways is beginning a small-scale program of training people with no  ying ex- perience — an approach used by Lu hansa and other international airlines.  e JetBlue program costs about $125,000, however, the airline says it is looking into providing  nancial assistance.
Even with assistance, however, life for newcomers can be taxing. In addition to  ying smaller planes for lower wages, they work on holidays and spend lots of time away from home.
Starting pilots need “a passion for  ying that drives the thrill of going to work,” says Smith, the career adviser. “It’s certainly not for everyone.”
David Koenig can be reached at http://twitter. com/airlinewriter, AP Video Journalist Joshua Replogle in Miami contributed to this report.

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