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(DGIwire) Want to take control of your mood and improve your health? Here are 20 simple things you can do to immediately start the day off right, turn a frown upside down and start kicking up your happiness quotient.
1. Practice mindfulness. 2. Laugh out loud. Watch
Will Ferrell, Saturday Night Live, The Marx Brothers, Howard Stern—whatever suits your sense of humor and gets you chuckling.
3. Take a nap or go to sleep earlier (or sleep later.)
4. Hum or sing along with your favorite music.
5. De-clutter a drawer, a room, a closet, desk or garage.
6. Do one thing at a time. Multi-tasking isn’t all that you might think it is...
7. Garden. Planting or weeding. Get your hands on some dirt... literally!
8. Tune out the news. Skip the headlines. Focus
on your immediate backyard.
9. Take a dog for a walk. Borrow one if necessary.
10. Scent the air. Pick a relaxing, subtle essence like lavender.
11. Ignore the stock market. If you can’t do this—just unplug at night or whenever your immediate market is closed.
13. Volunteer. No matter what you’re problems are, you’ll feel better help- ing another.
14. Spend time alone. Even a quiet min- ute in a bathroom, eyes closed, deep breathing, is helpful.
15. Walk mindfully. Observe your surroundings.
16. Make a list. Get everything keeping you up or distracting you onto paper.
17. Just say no!
tence. No elaborative explanations necessary
18. Give priority to close relation- ships...especially your children.
19. Take care of your soul. 20. Count your blessings.
20 Simple Ways to
Get Happy!
12. Visit a quite place. surroundings.
Observe your
“No” is a complete sen-