Page 59 - e-book CPG - Bipolar Disorder (full 92 pg) (1)
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                         ICD-11                        DSM-5-TR
                changes in appetite or sleep   interest  or  pleasure.  The  other  symptoms
                psychomotor agitation or retardation   include:
                fatigue                       disruption  in  appetite  with  accompanying
                worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate   weight loss or gain
                guilt feelings or hopelessness     sleep disturbance
                difficulty concentrating      psychomotor agitation or retardation
                suicidality                   fatiguability
                                               feeling worthless or guilty
                                               reduced concentration or indecisiveness
                                               recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideas
                                               or acts
             6A60 Bipolar Type I Disorder   Bipolar I Disorder

             An  episodic  mood  disorder  defined  by  the  Having  met  the  criteria  for  at  least  one  manic
             occurrence  of  one  or  more  manic  or  mixed  episode.
             episodes.                         Current or most recent episode manic:
                6460.0  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current   o  F31.11 Mild
                episode manic without psychotic symptoms   o  F31.12 Moderate
                6460.1  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current   o  F31.13 Severe
                episode manic with psychotic symptoms   o  F31.2 With psychotic features
                6A60.2  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current   o  F31.73 In partial remission
                episode hypomanic              o  F31.74 In full remission
                6460.3  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current     Current or most recent episode depressed:
                episode depressive, mild       o  F31.31 Mild
                6460.4  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current   o  F31.32 Moderate
                episode  depressive,  moderate  without   o  F31.4 Severe
                psychotic symptoms             o  F31.5 With psychotic features
                6460.5  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current   o  F31.75 In partial remission
                episode   depressive,   moderate   with   o  F31.76 In full remission
                psychotic symptoms
                6460.6  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current   F31.81 Bipolar II Disorder
                episode   depressive,   severe   without
                psychotic symptoms          Having met the criteria for hypomanic episodes
                6460.7  Bipolar  type  I  disorder,  current   at  least  once  and  major  depressive  episode  at
                episode depressive, severe with psychotic   least once,
                                            Specify current or most recent episode:
             6A61 Bipolar Type II Disorder   Hypomanic
             An  episodic  mood  disorder  is  defined  by  the
             occurrence of one or more hypomanic episodes   Current or most recent episode hypomanic
             and at least one depressive episode.   F31.0 Not in remission
                                            F31.71 In partial remission
             Refer to ICD-11 for more coding.   F31.72 in full remission

                                            Specifiers (both BD I and II):
                                            With anxious distress
                                            With mixed features
                                            With rapid cycling
                                            With melancholic features
                                            With atypical features
                                            With mood-congruent psychotic features
                                            With mood-incongruent psychotic features
                                            With catatonia
                                            With peripartum onset
                                            With seasonal pattern

                                            Refer to DSM-5-TR for more coding.
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