Page 7 - e-book CPG - Bipolar Disorder (full 92 pg) (1)
P. 7
The members of the DG for this CPG were from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of
The members of the DG for this CPG were from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of
The members of the DG for this CPG were from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of
Higher Education and the private sector. There was active involvement of a multidisciplinary
The members of the DG for this CPG were from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of
The members of the DG for this CPG were from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of
Higher Education and the private sector. There was active involvement of a multidisciplinary
Higher Education and the private sector. There was active involvement of a multidisciplinary
The members of the DG for this CPG were from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of
Higher Education and the private sector. There was active involvement of a multidisciplinary
Review Committee (RC) during the process of the CPG development.
Higher Education and the private sector. There was active involvement of a multidisciplinary
Review Committee (RC) during the process of the CPG development.
Review Committee (RC) during the process of the CPG development.
Higher Education and the private sector. There was active involvement of a multidisciplinary
Review Committee (RC) during the process of the CPG development.
Review Committee (RC) during the process of the CPG development.
Review Committee (RC) during the process of the CPG development.
A systematic literature search was carried out using the following electronic
A systematic literature search was carried out using the following electronic
A systematic literature search was carried out using the following electronic
A systematic literature search was carried out using the following electronic
databases/platforms: mainly Medline via Ovid and others e.g. Pubmed (refer to Appendix 1
A systematic literature search was carried out using the following electronic
databases/platforms: mainly Medline via Ovid and others e.g. Pubmed (refer to Appendix 1
databases/platforms: mainly Medline via Ovid and others e.g. Pubmed (refer to Appendix 1
databases/platforms: mainly Medline via Ovid and others e.g. Pubmed (refer to Appendix 1
A systematic literature search was carried out using the following electronic
for Example of Search Strategy). The inclusion criteria include everyone at risk and with
databases/platforms: mainly Medline via Ovid and others e.g. Pubmed (refer to Appendix 1
for Example of Search Strategy). The inclusion criteria includes everyone at risk and with
for Example of Search Strategy). The inclusion criteria include everyone at risk and with
for Example of Search Strategy). The inclusion criteria includes everyone at risk and with
databases/platforms: mainly Medline via Ovid and others e.g. Pubmed (refer to Appendix 1 limited to literature
bipolar disorder (BD) regardless of study design. The first search was
for Example of Search Strategy). The inclusion criteria include everyone at risk and with
bipolar disorder (BD) regardless of study design. The first search was limited to literature
bipolar disorder (BD) regardless of study design. The first search was limited to literature
for Example of Search Strategy). The inclusion criteria include everyone at risk and with
bipolar disorder (BD) regardless of study design. The first search was limited to literature
published in the last eight years (2014 until 2022) on humans and in English. In addition, the
bipolar disorder (BD) regardless of study design. The first search was limited to literature
published in the last eight years (2014 until 2022) on humans and in English. In addition, the
published in the last eight years (2014 until 2022) on humans and in English. In addition, the
published in the last eight years (2014 until 2022) on humans and in English. In addition, the
bipolar disorder (BD) regardless of study design. The first search was limited to literature to further identify
reference lists of all retrieved literature and guidelines were searched
published in the last eight years (2014 until 2022) on humans and in English. In addition, the
reference lists of all retrieved literature and guidelines were searched to further identify
reference lists of all retrieved literature and guidelines were searched to further identify
reference lists of all retrieved literature and guidelines were searched to further identify
relevant studies. Experts in the field were also contacted for studies
published in the last eight years (2014 until 2022) on humans and in English. In addition, the related to the issues
reference lists of all retrieved literature and guidelines were searched to further identify
relevant studies. Experts in the field were also contacted for studies related to the issues
relevant studies. Experts in the field were also contacted for studies related to the issues
reference lists of all retrieved literature and guidelines were searched to further identify
addressed. All initial searches were conducted from 2 August 2022 to 17 August 2022. The
relevant studies. Experts in the field were also contacted for studies related to the issues
relevant studies. Experts in the field were also contacted for studies related to the issues
addressed. All initial searches were conducted from 2 August 2022 to 17 August 2022. The
addressed. All initial searches were conducted from 2 August 2022 to 17 August 2022. The
relevant studies. Experts in the field were also contacted for studies related to the issues
addressed. All initial searches were conducted from 2 August 2022 to 17 August 2022. The
literature search was repeated for all clinical questions at the end of the CPG development
addressed. All initial searches were conducted from 2 August 2022 to 17 August 2022. The
literature search was repeated for all clinical questions at the end of the CPG development
literature search was repeated for all clinical questions at the end of the CPG development
literature search was repeated for all clinical questions at the end of the CPG development
process allowing any relevant papers published before 31 December
addressed. All initial searches were conducted from 2 August 2022 to 17 August 2022. The 2023 to be included.
literature search was repeated for all clinical questions at the end of the CPG development
process allowing any relevant papers published before 31 December 2023 to be included.
process allowing any relevant papers published before 31 December 2023 to be included.
literature search was repeated for all clinical questions at the end of the CPG development
process allowing any relevant papers published before 31 December 2023 to be included.
Future CPG updates will consider evidence published after this cut-off date. The details of the
process allowing any relevant papers published before 31 December 2023 to be included.
Future CPG updates will consider evidence published after this cut-off date. The details of the
Future CPG updates will consider evidence published after this cut-off date. The details of the
process allowing any relevant papers published before 31 December 2023 to be included.
Future CPG updates will consider evidence published after this cut-off date. The details of the
search strategy can be obtained upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
Future CPG updates will consider evidence published after this cut-off date. The details of the
search strategy can be obtained upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
search strategy can be obtained upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
Future CPG updates will consider evidence published after this cut-off date. The details of the
search strategy can be obtained upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
search strategy can be obtained upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
search strategy can be obtained upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
References were also made to other guidelines on BD as listed below:
References were also made to other guidelines on BD as listed below:
References were also made to other guidelines on BD as listed below:
References were also made to other guidelines on BD as listed below:
i. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society
References were also made to other guidelines on BD as listed below:
i. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society
i. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society
i. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society
for Bipolar Disoder (ISBD) - Guidelines for
References were also made to other guidelines on BD as listed below: the Management of Patients with Bipolar
i. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society
for Bipolar Disoder (ISBD) - Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar
for Bipolar Disoder (ISBD) - Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar
for Bipolar Disoder (ISBD) - Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar
i. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society
Disorder (2018)
for Bipolar Disoder (ISBD) - Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar
Disorder (2018)
Disorder (2018)
for Bipolar Disoder (ISBD) - Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar
Disorder (2018)
Disorder (2018) ii. Ministry of Health, Malaysia – Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Bipolar
ii. Ministry of Health, Malaysia – Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Bipolar
ii. Ministry of Health, Malaysia – Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Bipolar
ii. Ministry of Health, Malaysia – Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Bipolar
Disorder (2018)
Disorder (2014)
ii. Ministry of Health, Malaysia – Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Bipolar
Disorder (2014)
Disorder (2014)
ii. Ministry of Health, Malaysia – Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Bipolar
Disorder (2014)
Disorder (2014) iii. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - Guideline on the Assessment
iii. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - Guideline on the Assessment
iii. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - Guideline on the Assessment
iii. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - Guideline on the Assessment
Disorder (2014)
and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and
iii. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - Guideline on the Assessment
and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and
and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and
and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and
iii. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - Guideline on the Assessment
Secondary Care (2014)
and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and
Secondary Care (2014)
Secondary Care (2014)
and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Children and Young People in Primary and
Secondary Care (2014)
iv. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist (RANZCP) - The 2020 RANZCP
Secondary Care (2014)
iv. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) - The 2020
iv. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist (RANZCP) - The 2020 RANZCP
Secondary Care (2014) New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) - The 2020
iv. Royal Australian and
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mood Disorders (2020)
iv. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist (RANZCP) - The 2020 RANZCP
RANZCP Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mood Disorders (2020)
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mood Disorders (2020)
iv. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist (RANZCP) - The 2020 RANZCP
RANZCP Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mood Disorders (2020)
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mood Disorders (2020)
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mood Disorders (2020)
A total of 18 main clinical questions were developed under different sections. Members of the
A total of 18 main clinical questions were developed under different sections. Members of the
A total of 18 main clinical questions were developed under different sections. Members of the
A total of 18 main clinical questions were developed under different sections. Members of the
DG were assigned individual questions within these sections. Refer to Appendix 2 for Clinical
A total of 18 main clinical questions were developed under different sections. Members of the
DG were assigned individual questions within these sections. Refer to Appendix 2 for Clinical
DG were assigned individual questions within these sections. Refer to Appendix 2 for Clinical
DG were assigned individual questions within these sections. Refer to Appendix 2 for Clinical
A total of 18 main clinical questions were developed under different sections. Members of the
Questions. The DG members met 27 times throughout the development of these guidelines.
DG were assigned individual questions within these sections. Refer to Appendix 2 for Clinical
Questions. The DG members met 27 times throughout the development of these guidelines.
Questions. The DG members met 27 times throughout the development of these guidelines.
Questions. The DG members met 27 times throughout the development of these guidelines.
DG were assigned individual questions within these sections. Refer to Appendix 2 for Clinical
All literature retrieved was appraised by at least two DG members using the Critical Appraisal
Questions. The DG members met 27 times throughout the development of these guidelines.
All literature retrieved was appraised by at least two DG members using the Critical Appraisal
All literature retrieved was appraised by at least two DG members using the Critical Appraisal
Questions. The DG members met 27 times throughout the development of these guidelines.
All literature retrieved was appraised by at least two DG members using the Critical Appraisal
Skill Programme checklist, presented in evidence tables and further discussed in each DG
All literature retrieved was appraised by at least two DG members using the Critical Appraisal
Skill Programme checklist, presented in evidence tables and further discussed in each DG
Skill Programme checklist, presented in evidence tables and further discussed in each DG
Skill Programme checklist, presented in evidence tables and further discussed in each DG
All literature retrieved was appraised by at least two DG members using the Critical Appraisal
meeting. All statements and recommendations formulated after that were agreed upon by both
Skill Programme checklist, presented in evidence tables and further discussed in each DG
meeting. All statements and recommendations formulated after that were agreed upon by both
meeting. All statements and recommendations formulated after that were agreed upon by both
Skill Programme checklist, presented in evidence tables and further discussed in each DG
meeting. All statements and recommendations formulated after that were agreed upon by both
the DG and RC. Where evidence was insufficient, the recommendations were made by
meeting. All statements and recommendations formulated after that were agreed upon by both
the DG and RC. Where evidence was insufficient, the recommendations were made by
the DG and RC. Where evidence was insufficient, the recommendations were made by
meeting. All statements and recommendations formulated after that were agreed upon by both
consensus of the DG and RC. Any differences in opinion are resolved consensually. The CPG
the DG and RC. Where evidence was insufficient, the recommendations were made by
the DG and RC. Where evidence was insufficient, the recommendations were made by
consensus of the DG and RC. Any differences in opinion were resolved consensually. The
consensus of the DG and RC. Any differences in opinion are resolved consensually. The CPG
the DG and RC. Where evidence was insufficient, the recommendations were made by
consensus of the DG and RC. Any differences in opinion were resolved consensually. The
was based largely on the findings of systematic reviews/meta-analyses and clinical trials, with
consensus of the DG and RC. Any differences in opinion are resolved consensually. The CPG
CPG was based largely on the findings of systematic reviews/meta-analyses and clinical trials,
was based largely on the findings of systematic reviews/meta-analyses and clinical trials, with
consensus of the DG and RC. Any differences in opinion are resolved consensually. The CPG
CPG was based largely on the findings of systematic reviews/meta-analyses and clinical trials,
local practices taken into consideration.
was based largely on the findings of systematic reviews/meta-analyses and clinical trials, with
with local practices taken into consideration.
local practices taken into consideration.
was based largely on the findings of systematic reviews/meta-analyses and clinical trials, with
with local practices taken into consideration.
local practices taken into consideration.
local practices taken into consideration.
The literatures used in these guidelines were graded using the U.S. Preventive Services Task
The literatures used in these guidelines were graded using the U.S. Preventive Services Task
The literatures used in these guidelines were graded using the U.S. Preventive Services Task
The literatures used in these guidelines were graded using the U.S. Preventive Services Task was done using the
The literatures used in these guidelines were graded using the U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force Level of Evidence (2015) while the grading of recommendation
Force Level of Evidence (2015) while the grading of recommendation was done using the
Force Level of Evidence (2015) while the grading of recommendation was done using the
Force Level of Evidence (2015) while the grading of recommendation was done using the
The literatures used in these guidelines were graded using the U.S. Preventive Services Task
principles of GRADE as much as possible (refer to the preceding page). The writing of the
Force Level of Evidence (2015) while the grading of recommendation was done using the
principles of GRADE as much as possible (refer to the preceding page). The writing of the
principles of GRADE as much as possible (refer to the preceding page). The writing of the
Force Level of Evidence (2015) while the grading of recommendation was done using the
principles of GRADE as much as possible (refer to the preceding page). The writing of the
CPG followed strictly the requirement of Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation
principles of GRADE as much as possible (refer to the preceding page). The writing of the
CPG followed strictly the requirement of Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation
CPG followed strictly the requirement of Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation
principles of GRADE as much as possible (refer to the preceding page). The writing of the
CPG followed strictly the requirement of Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation
CPG followed strictly the requirement of Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation
CPG followed strictly the requirement of Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation
Upon completion, the draft CPG was reviewed by external reviewers. It was also posted on
Upon completion, the draft CPG was reviewed by external reviewers. It was also posted on
Upon completion, the draft CPG was reviewed by external reviewers. It was also posted on
the MoH Malaysia official website for feedback from any interested parties. The draft was finally
Upon completion, the draft CPG was reviewed by external reviewers. It was also posted on
Upon completion, the draft CPG was reviewed by external reviewers. It was also posted on
the MoH Malaysia official website for feedback from any interested parties. The draft was finally
the MoH Malaysia official website for feedback from any interested parties. The draft was finally
the MoH Malaysia official website for feedback from any interested parties. The draft was finally
presented to the Technical Advisory Committee for CPG and, the
Upon completion, the draft CPG was reviewed by external reviewers. It was also posted on Health Technology
the MoH Malaysia official website for feedback from any interested parties. The draft was finally
presented to the Technical Advisory Committee for CPG and, the Health Technology
presented to the Technical Advisory Committee for CPG and, the Health Technology
the MoH Malaysia official website for feedback from any interested parties. The draft was finally
presented to the Technical Advisory Committee for CPG and, the Health Technology
Assessment (HTA) and CPG Council, MoH Malaysia, for review and approval. Details on the
presented to the Technical Advisory Committee for CPG and, the Health Technology
Assessment (HTA) and CPG Council, MoH Malaysia, for review and approval. Details on the
Assessment (HTA) and CPG Council, MoH Malaysia, for review and approval. Details on the
Assessment (HTA) and CPG Council, MoH Malaysia, for review and approval. Details on the
presented to the Technical Advisory Committee for CPG and, the Health Technology Development and
CPG development by MaHTAS can be obtained from the Manual on
Assessment (HTA) and CPG Council, MoH Malaysia, for review and approval. Details on the
CPG development by MaHTAS can be obtained from the Manual on Development and
CPG development by MaHTAS can be obtained from the Manual on Development and
CPG development by MaHTAS can be obtained from the Manual on Development and
Assessment (HTA) and CPG Council, MoH Malaysia, for review and approval. Details on the published in 2015
Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines
CPG development by MaHTAS can be obtained from the Manual on Development and
Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2015
Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2015
CPG development by MaHTAS can be obtained from the Manual on Development and
Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2015
(available at
Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2015
(available at
(available at
(available at
Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2015
(available at
(available at