Page 300 - KM Bahasa-Inggris-BS-KLS-VIII_Neat
P. 300
Section 4 - Writing
Unit 3. Practice Makes Perfect
The stories of Makeup in Unit 1, Mirza in Unit 2, and Getting into the
Band in Unit 3 are examples of imaginative stories or imaginative
narratives. They have characters and problems that may be similar to
what we experience in our daily life. A narrative entertains its readers
through the exploration of human experiences, such as happiness,
sadness, and hope.
a. Work in pairs. Talk about events and emotions that you can relate to
the following stories.
1. Makeup
2. Mirza
3. Getting into the Band
b. Look at the elements of a story in the following table. They are taken
from Parts 1-3 of the story “Makeup”.
Table 5.5 Elements of Makeup story
Elements Function Example Detail
Orientation Introducing the I threw her a glance. Time: in the
time, location, She came to me morning,
and characters in in the morning, before class
the story waiting for the class
Location: in
to begin.
the classroom
1. I
2. She
Complication Showing the “You’d look prettier
conlict(s) or with makeup on.” Problem:
problem(s) in the She looked at me She scanned
story. intently; her eyes every inch of
were scanning every my face
inch of my face.
Every dent, every
scratch, every line.
Every law.
276 English for Nusantara | untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII