Page 311 - KM Bahasa-Inggris-BS-KLS-VIII_Neat
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240, 241, 242                   N
                 goalkeeper  234, 237
                                                      Narrator  77, 78, 225, 226, 227, 228
                 H                                    nostril  190, 191, 194

                 hand soap  124, 126, 129, 152, 153, 159  O
                 Happiness  vi, xix, 64, 80, 81, 84, 87, 89,
                      91, 93                          ocean  ix, xxiii, 116, 167, 191, 192, 194,
                 heartbroken  80, 85, 86, 87, 100          195, 204, 205, 208, 257, 258, 269,
                 hometown  38, 51, 173                     270, 271
                                                      old books  viii, 146, 147, 149, 150, 155,
                 I                                         161
                                                      online  10, 12, 143, 162, 185, 197, 223,
                 Independence Day  vi, viii, xv, xvi, xvii,   235, 269
                      19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35,   online bullying  143
                      36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 47, 49, 50, 51,   online messenger  162
                      52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, 113     Orientation  52, 54, 55, 59, 106, 107,
                 Indonesian lag  39, 58                    108, 109, 110, 208, 209, 251, 252,
                 internet  143, 269                        253, 254
                 interrogative questions  xxii
                                                      Outlining  59
                 J                                    P

                 Jampana parade  43
                                                      palanquin  43
                 K                                    parasite  190, 191, 194
                                                      particular expressions  128
                 Kindness  vi, xv, xviii, xix, 63, 64, 65,   Past Incidences  viii, 167
                      66, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79, 80, 81, 84,   past tense form  193
                      87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98, 104, 106,   performance  xiii, 4, 79, 229, 243
                      109, 111                        Picture the Past  45
                 krupuk race  viii, 45, 50            plastic trash  xxiii, 171, 172, 173, 177,
                                                           178, 187, 188, 189, 193, 202, 203,
                 L                                         205
                                                      podcast  xxiv, 218
                 Language Focus  29, 44, 52, 72, 87, 89,
                                                      Posting  viii, 162
                      104, 128, 141, 156, 179, 193, 204,
                                                      Preparation  30, 33, 46, 133, 274
                      222, 241
                                                      presentation  xx, 128, 129, 134
                 Learning objectives  20, 64, 118, 166,
                                                      prettify  219, 220, 226, 228
                 LEARNING REFLECTION  xiii, 62, 112,   Q
                      163, 212, 256
                 litter  ix, 169, 171, 172, 187, 196, 197,   quotation marks  90
                      198, 205, 270                   quotations  89, 90, 254, 255
                 Look Around You  vii
                                                      rainfall  182
                 Majapahit’s lag  58                  rainy season  183
                 Marble in spoon race  35             Record of events  52, 54, 55, 59
                 Midielders  233, 266                 recounting  xxii, 29
                 Mime It  74                          recount text  52, 54, 56

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