Page 10 - 2021 ELS Executive Programs Brochure E-Book 2021 (English)
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        Who should take it?                 program consists of four 50-minute interactive   those aspects of your English skills that require
        Those  seeking  to  communicate  with   group lessons within the regular ELS General   the  most  attention.  The  LTC  incorporates
        confidence  in  today’s  multilingual  work   English  program  in  the  morning  and  three   computer-supported  learning  with  classroom
        environment  to  enhance  their  future   personalized  50-minute  one-on-one  lessons   instruction to make the most of your class time.
        success.  It  is  also  perfect  for  college   each  afternoon.  Conversation  is  conducted   You’ll  receive  individualized  learning  plans,
        students  and  for  business  professionals   using  practical,  real-world  English.  You  will   specialized content and support, and attention
        beginning their careers. Mornings are spent   receive instruction on all the important language   to specific language challenges.
        in an ELS General English group class and   skills  you  need  in  order  to  communicate   Your  afternoon  one-on-one  instruction  is
        afternoons  are  dedicated  to  one-on-one   accurately  and  effectively:  listening,  speaking,   custom-designed  o  match  your  individual
        language  learning  customized  to  your   pronunciation and vocabulary.  business-related   interests.   You   learn
        needs. This program is recommended for   Most participants attend sessions lasting two,   specialized  vocabulary  and  expressions,
        students ages 18-25.
                                            three, or four weeks, although there is no limit.  read  and  discuss  materials  related  to  your
        What is the Program?                                                    occupation,  and  participate  in  role-playing
        The English for Executives program consists of   What is the curriculum?     activities  that  simulate  real-world  situations
        four  50-minute  interactive  group  lessons  within   The morning group classes build a foundation   you might come across in your professional
        the regular ELS General English program in the   for communicative competency. They include   environment.
        morning and three  personalized 50-minute one-on-   Structure  and  Speaking  Practice  and
        one  lessons  each  afternoon.  Conversation  is   Vocabulary  Enrichment  as  well  as  one   When and where is it offered?
        conducted using practical, real-world English. You   lesson  in  our  Language  Technology  Center   Begin  on  the  first  Monday  of  any  of  the  26
        will receive instruction on all the important language   (LTC).         year-round ELS General English program start
        skills you need in order to communicate accurately   The  LTC  is  a  learning  environment  that  not   dates at your choice of several North American
        and effectively: listening, speaking, pronunciation   only complements your live classes, but also   cities (see page 12 for a list of ELS Executive
        and  vocabulary.  The  English  for  Executives   provides  the  opportunity  for  you  to  work  on   Centers in North America).

        Program Customization for Practical Learning: An Example
        A medical professional works with a DVD that highlights medical English as it is actually spoken in North America, and then
        goes on to make use of some of the newly acquired expressions and vocabulary in an oral presentation. Assignments are
        given to improve written communication skills, including specific exercises in writing medical reports, notes and emails. Articles
        from medical journals are studied to expand vocabulary and increase critical reading skills. A review and discussion with the
        instructor follow all evening activities.

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