P. 21

3. Preparation for works
                      4. Over speed test before shutdown

               I.2.2   Overhaul Governor (Need Governor Woodward specialist M/E) & Main Stop Valve
                      1. Inspection (audit) & Repair problem governor stroke/travel include check all equipment
                         governor woodward (mechanical & electrical)
                      2. Function check instrument control (Woodward 505) & configuration
                      3. Actuator, Governor, MSV
                              -   Perform remove tubing & piping (oil system)
                              -   Perform check all electricity & instrument
                              -   Perform dismantle unit Governor
                              -   Perform   visual   and   clearance   check,  inspection,  NDT,   contact   check   (Audit
                                  performance governor)
                              -   Perform chemical cleaning
                              -   Perform calibration governor and all system
                              -   Perform repair passing problem at governor valve stroke
                              -   Perform Setting governor valve stroke by woodward 505 controller
                              -   Perform & setting Governor valve disc (Steam Chest)
                              -   adjust centering of governor
                              -   Perform assembly unit (mechanical & Electrical/Instrument)
                         Main Stop Valve (MSV)
                              -   Perform remove tubing & piping (oil system)
                              -   Perform dismantle unit MSV
                              -   Perform visual and mechanical inspection, NDT
                              -   Perform cleaning and Adjustment
                              -   Perform assembly unit

               I.2.3   Commissioning and Start Up
                      1. Pre-start
                      2. Stroke governor & function check
                      3. Start up, Overspeed test (M/E trip), Synchronize, Load test (up to 100 % load), Load
                         Rejection and running with load (48 hour) with data sheet commissioning.

               I.2.4   Fokus Perbaikan
                  Selain  lingkup  pekerjaan  tersebut, PT.  Sumber  Alam  Sekurau  juga menyampaikan  beberapa
                  permasalahan unit yang dijadikan sebagai fokus perbaikan oleh PT. Energi Berkah Mitratama.
                  Adapun beberapa fokus perbaikan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
                   1. Butuh pressure tinggi untuk menggerakkan turbin (steam flow tidak bisa naik) dan travel
                       governor 100% (Woodward 505) namun beban tidak dapat maksimal 7,5 MW;
                   2. Respon Governor dan Travel Governor lambat pada saat beban lepas sehinggah sering terjadi
                       over speed saat terjadi kehilangan beban diatas 3 MW (load rejection) sehingga terjadi Black
                   3. Maintenance Main Stop Valve (MSV) / respon MSV saat terjadi Black out.

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