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AUGUST 21, 2020 | The Indian Eye
dia should be ‘vocal for local’,” he stated. He asked how long would India continue to pro- vide raw materials to the world and import finished goods. infraStructure:
The PM said that India’s overall infrastructure needs a new direction. “There is a need to give a new direction to the overall infrastructure develop- ment of the country to move India towards modernity at a fast pace.
This need will be met from the National Infrastructure Pipeline Project,” he said. He said that the government is planning to spend more than Rs 100 lakh crore on this. Sev- en thousand different projects have been identified. “A very big plan has been prepared to connect the entire country with Multi-Modal Connectivity In-
Narendra Modi addressing the Nation on the occasion of 74th Indepen- dence Day from the ramparts of Red Fort in Delhi on August 15, 2020
frastructure,” he added.
Welfare ScheMeS:
“7 crore poor families were given free gas cylinders, more than 80 crore people were provided free food, about Rs. 90,000 crore were direct- ly transferred to the bank ac- counts. Until a few years ago, all this could not be imagined to be done without any leak- age, money would reach the poor directly,” said PM Modi.
natiOnal educatiOn pOlicy:
PM Modi said that the only way forward is through edu- cation. “Education is of ut- most importance in building a self-reliant, modern and new India. It is important in build- ing a prosperous India. With this thinking, the country re- ceived the new National Edu- cation Policy,” said PM Modi.
w w w. T h e I n d i a n E Y E . u s

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