Page 14 - Demo
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 | EYE on INDIA |
AUGUST 21, 2020 | The Indian Eye INDIATALKS
faceBook RoW
BJp MpS Want tharOOr Out aS panel chief
pRashant Bhushan
The battle over the Face- book row heated up to- day with a call for remov- al of Shashi Tharoor as the chief of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology.WhiletheBJP’sNi- shikant Dubey wrote to Speaker Om Birla, demanding that he be removed, Union minister Rajya- vardhan Rathore also pitched in with a letter, accusing Tharoor of “flouting rules”.
“We are not against represen- tative of any organization being called, but he (Tharoor) instead of discussing with us, discussed it with the media,” Rathore said.
Demanding that Tharoor be removed as the chairman of the Standing Committee, Nishikant
Indore is India’s cleanest city for the fourth time in a row and Chhattisgarh is cleanest state for the second time, as per the ‘Swachh Survekshan 2020’ results announced by Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri at the Swachh Mahotsav being or- ganized by the Ministry of Hous- ing and Urban affairs (MoU- HA). Gujarat’s Surat gets the second place and Maharashtra’s Navi Mumbai is at number three spot in terms of clean cities with
Dubey wrote, “ Tharoor’s tenure has been controversial... Speak- ing in Spenserian English in for- eign accent does not give one freedom to an individual to disre- gard parliamentary institutions”.
Nishikant Dubey has also list- ed past incidents where accord- ing to him Shashi Tharoor creat- ed controversies. He has accused Tharoor of making remarks on social media on examination of Personal Data Protection Bill by the Joint Select Committee without discussing the matter with the committee members. The list also included the ban on 59 Chinese apps and 4G inter- net not being available in J&K, where Tharoor again criticized the government on social media.
Lawyer-activist Prashant Bhushan, held guilty of contempt for his tweets on Chief Justice of India SA Bobde and the Supreme Court, told the top court today that he was “pained” at being “gross- ly misunderstood” and that he considered his tweets an at- tempt to discharge his highest duty. After a sharp back-and- forth during a two-hour hear- ing over whether his tweets had crossed the line, the Supreme Court gave the 63-year-old law- yer two-three days “to reconsid- er” his statement.
“There is no person on Earth who cannot commit a mistake. You may do hundreds good things but that doesn’t give you
clean india
a license to do 10 crimes. What- ever has been done is done. But we want the person concerned to have a sense of remorse,” said Justice Arun Mishra.
Prashant Bhushan’s request to defer the hearing on his sen- tencing for contempt was reject- ed by the Supreme Court.
“I am pained to hear that I am held guilty of contempt of court. I am pained not because of the would-be sentencing, but because I am being grossly mis- understood. I believe that an open criticism is necessary to safeguard the democracy and its values,” he said “My tweets need to be seen as an attempt for working for the betterment of the institution.
Sc giveS tiMe tO laWyer in cOnteMpt caSe
indOre city again getS the tOp pOSitiOn
population more than a lakh. Jharkhand is the cleanest state in the category of less than 100 Ur- ban Local Bodies (ULBs). This is the fifth edition of the annual cleanliness survey of the country.
Swachh Survekshan is a pan India annual cleanliness survey that ranks India’s cities, towns and states based on sanitation, waste management and overall
cleanliness. This time the survey covered a total of 4,242 cities, 62 Cantonment Boards and 92 Ganga Towns and saw unprec- edented participation of 1.87 crore citizens. This year, the for- mat of the survey was tweaked to adopt a Swachh Survekshan League model, where instead of once in a year exercise of as- sessing the cities and states for
its cleanliness quotient, the as- sessment happened throughout the year.
The Minister also interacted with select beneficiaries, swach- hagrahis (Clean India Warriors), and Safai Karmis (Sanitation Workers) under the Swachh BharatMission-Urban(SBM-U) from different parts of the coun- try through video conference.
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