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AUGUST 21, 2020 | The Indian Eye gopio-cj holds community Recognition
| NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline |
awards and independence day event
Our Bureau
NGew Jersey
OPIO Central Jersey hosted its Community Recognition Awards
and India Independence Day celebration on August 15, 2020, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., on a virtual platform which was at- tended by invited guests, pub- lic officials, community lead- ers, GOPIO members and awardees from various fields.
Honorable Consul Gener- al of India in New York, Mr. Radhir Kumar Jaiswal was the Chief Guest and New Jer- sey State Assemblyman Raj Mukherji was the Guest of Honor for this event. In his address as a Chief Guest Mr. Jaiswal extended his warm wishes and congratulate Indi- an diaspora on Independence Day. CG Jaiswal added that watching both US and India flags displayed and national an- thems sung is a true celebration of democracy in the USA. First time ever, Indian flag hoisting happened at the Times Square in New York which was a proud moment for all Indians.
New Jersey State Assembly- man Raj Mukherji expressed that I am so proud of Indian Americans in this state and con- gratulated GOPIO and their members for the involvement in civic and community work. He added that it is a proud mo- ment for all of us that we have a candidate of Indian descent as a Vice-President this November. During the unprecedented time of public health crisis, not only the physicians and front line health care workers of Indian origin but other small business- es to include hotels and restau- rants raised to the occasion to serve who were in need from hotel rooms to meals and I am so proud of all Indian Amer- icans for their contributions,
added Raj Mukeheji.
Dr. Tushar Patel, President
of GOPIO, Central Jersey wel- comed all and provided histo- ry of GOPIO and described central jersey activities in last 12 years. He read the letter
from NJ State Senator Vin Go- pal, who was another Guest of Honor but was not able to at- tend due to a schedule conflict. Dr. Patel expressed his sincere gratitude to all who attended the event and encouraged ev-
eryone to become and life time member of GOPIO. He ex- pressed his deepest gratitude to all executive members for their support in last two years and also announced new Executive Team for the next two years term which includes Kunal Me- hta-President, Vijay Garg-Ex- ecutive Vice-President, Nishith Mehta-Vice-President, Amit Kucheriya-Secretary and Kunal Gupta as Treasurer. The Ex- ecutive Committee attended the event at IndusTV in Princ- eton, New Jersey but all others attended via virtual platform which was broadcasted live on IndusTV platform on social media.
Kunal Mehta was the master of ceremony and did a brilliant job in conducting the event. The event started with melo- dious singing of American Na- tional Anthem by Anika Patel and Indian National Anthem by Falguni Shah. Two beauti- fully choreographed patriotic dance performances were giv- en by Bina Master’s students of Nrityakala Dance Academy and talented girls Tarika and Tanvika which was applaud- ed by all participants. Newly elected President Kunal Me- hta promised his commitment to bring various programs and activities to keep GOPIO-CJ in a positive direction and ex- pressed his sincere gratitude to all executive members for their continued support.
Eight accomplished individ- uals in various fields and pro- fessionals were awarded with 2020 Community Recognition Award.
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