Page 32 - November 2019 BarJournal
P. 32






            magine, it is a normal day and you make   user or a business, ransomware attacks do not   cybersecurity layer, it is essential to secure
            your way into the office. You arrive   differentiate between victims. This is revealed   the assistance of IT professionals versed in
            at work and begin logging into your   in the random reports from businesses, school   cybersecurity.
            computer system. Things seem normal   districts, cities and hospitals in various states.   Insurance policies  – In relation to insur-
        Iat first; however, you suddenly realize   As reports of these attacks continue to   ance policies, it is critical to know your policy
        your system is not working properly. You   surface across the country, we are learning ways   in advance and to understand where cyber
        then  receive  a  notice  that  your  information   in which law  enforcement and victims have   threats fall under the insurance umbrella.
        is inaccessible. Next, the notification on your   been dealing with these threats. Many victim   Damages associated with cybersecurity
        screen indicates all of the organization’s files   companies have shared their stories. Some go   breaches may be covered under a cyber liability
        are locked and encrypted. In order to unlock   public when the obvious cannot be hidden   and/or data breach insurance policy. Addition-
        the system, you are instructed to follow a link   and other companies may pay the ransom   ally, damages relating to business interruptions
        and make a payment. What do you do? Who   and remain silent. For each organization, it is   may also qualify depending on the disruption
        do you call? How do you proceed?    a choice; however, in theory and from actual   associated with the breach.
           Many organizations have experienced   cases, if a fraudster is not stopped, they will   Educate your ‘in-house’ team  –  As with
        these types of attacks known as ‘ransomware.’   move on to strike again. Now, think in terms   organizational trainings on topics such as
        Ransomware, which is broadly defined as a   of  a  hacker  who  is  untraceable  and  often   ethics, it would be beneficial to offer trainings
        “type of malware that blocks the user from   sitting in another country. These hackers   on cybersecurity threats. Engage your staff
        accessing files,” specifically locks the user   are sophisticated, funded and working with   in luncheon trainings on cyber threats such
        out of the computer while setting demands   malware that is constantly changing. If these   as  ransomware.  These  trainings  should  be
        for a ransom to be paid. As confirmed by   fraudsters are not caught, they will continue   offered to all members of the organization,
        multiple organizations, news reports and   and possibly return as a future threat.  from board & trustee members to employees
        law enforcement, in 2019, ransomware   The City of Akron attack is an example of   and volunteers. Look to professionals with
        attacks are rising.                 a municipality that came forward to give an   expertise in this area to secure training for
           To be prepared, organizations need to have   account  of  the  attack  and  recovery.  Through   your organization. Many professionals in
        a solid Response Plan in place. We have all   Akron’s transparency, the public has received a   the field, such as recovery management
        heard the quote, “The best defense is a good   tremendous insight into the required plans for   companies  and  forensic  professional
        offense.” Does your organization have a good   disaster and recovery.   organizations, are equipped to perform these
        offensive plan in place to deal with these types                       types of short trainings.
        of threats and how would you proceed in your   WAYS YOUR ORGANIZATION CAN
        defense of a ransomware attack?     DEVELOP A “GOOD OFFENSE”           HOW ARE YOU SET TO RESPOND?
                                            Response Plan – The best way to prepare in   In the event of a ransomware attack, initiate
        RANSOMWARE ATTACKS IN OHIO          advance is to develop a good Response Plan.   your organizations Response Plan. The
        AND ABROAD                          Response Plans, often referred to as a Disaster   organization’s plan should include securing
        Many reading this article may feel their   Recovery Plan, are not new; however, the layers   the attack and assessing the damages for
        organizations have cybersecurity covered, but   of what is classed as ‘disasters’ is constantly   reimbursement.
        the fact is, many victim companies felt they had   evolving due to new threats. With Disaster   Securing the ransomware threat should
        this covered as well. In Ohio, the ransomware   Recovery Plans of the past, the term ‘disasters’   include identifying how the breach occurred
        attacks came too close to home with incidents   referred to events such as fire and weather,   in  order to  fix  and  prevent  it  from
        reported from Riverside fire and police, City of   with light discussion of cyber controls such   reoccurrence. Additionally, it is critical
        Akron and Cleveland Hopkins International   as passwords and viruses. Effective Disaster   to properly retrieve data in a manner that
        Airport. Shortly after this, another ransomware   Recovery Plans now include a more extensive   will not corrupt the information as this
        attack was reported at the Louisville Regional   cybersecurity layer to support ‘disasters’   could prevent finding the way in which the
        Airport in Kentucky. Whether you are a basic   such as ransomware. When developing the   ransomware and threat occurred.
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