Page 5 - November 2019 BarJournal
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 Dec. 2, 3 & 4, 2019
 CMBA Offices

 Start your legal career off on the right foot by enlisting in the CMBA’s
 New Lawyer Bootcamp, your best choice for New Lawyer Training
 and direct access to professional mentors.  U !
 Fulfill your New Lawyer Training Requirement in 3 Half Day  FROM THE PRESIDENT           COLUMN
 Afternoon Sessions at the CMBA  >
 Network with Northeast Ohio's elite Legal Community
 Buddy Up with an established lawyer who can show you the ropes
 and help you jump start your adventure into the practice of law  A PATH TO
 Learn from lawyers and judges who will share the wisdom of their
 experience and offer practical advice
 Discover further opportunities to engage in career and leadership  GRATITUDE
 Develop relationships and network with the other new lawyers in
 your cohort

 >  Celebrate the start of your career with us at a special reception at  Ian N. Friedman
 the conclusion of the program

 No push-ups are required, but you will strengthen your  hile  contemplating  lawyers, but to the practice of law and the com-  (or perhaps it chose me), I, like everyone else,
                                                                                   am a lawyer first. I suppose that is the reason I
                                               munities that we serve.
                             what I wanted to
 “professional core” in our friendly, welcoming training program  write  in  this  month’s   Like many of you, I have always wanted to be   so enjoy being at the CMBA — an organization
                             column, I sat quietly, as
 developed just for you.  Plus, the friendships made and lessons  W I typically do, waiting   a lawyer. Since I was a young boy, I was never   where lawyers work together to try and improve
                                               able to stand idly by and watch treatment of
                                                                                   the quality of life for so many.
 learned during Bootcamp will continue to enhance your career.  for a theme to come to me. This is the same   another that I perceived to be unfair or plainly   I thank all of the authors who took time from
            practice that I use when I am standing before   wrong. I hoped early on that the law would al-  their schedules to contribute this month. I also
            a jury about to begin my opening statements.   low — and even encourage — me to step into   want to extend my sincere appreciation to all of
            There, I breathe in, exhale, and quietly await   the fray and prevent injustice. It has done just   you for giving back to the CMBA and our noble
            the envisioned path that I will begin to follow   that. That is who I am at my core, and I can only   profession. As former Chief Justice Earl Warren
            from the first moment until conclusion of the   hope that my children will remember me for   eloquently stated, “It is the spirit and not the
            trial.  Doing so here at my desk, the message   these values and my dedication. As we all know,   form of law that keeps justice alive.”
            that has been resonating with me is that I am   it is often exhausting. It is the CMBA though,   I am pleased to report that the spirit of the
            proud to be a Cleveland lawyer and member of   that, in large part, helps me to combat this fa-  law is alive and well at the Cleveland Metro-
            the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association.   tigue and prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.    politan Bar Association, now and for many
            Interestingly, what inspired this feeling was   Every time that I walk through the doors of the   years to come.
            simply learning of the themes in this month’s   CMBA or attend one of its events, I feel a sense   Standing in courtrooms before jurors, I
            Bar Journal issue.                 of pride and gratitude. I am reinvigorated.     never really know where that figurative path is
              We, as lawyers, can frequently have a seem-  Being surrounded by like-minded lawyers   going to lead me. Such was the case here. Sit-
            ingly limited view of the world — we are ex-  and professional staff is an affirmation of the im-  ting at my desk in reflection, the mere thought
            posed to the same colleagues, court officials   portant work that we have done as well as mo-  of this publication inspired me to write about
            and case issues. While there is, of course, noth-  tivation to continue these efforts in the future.   this welcome state of contentment. I love being
            ing wrong with limiting one’s practice (frankly,   The authors and articles featured in this issue   a lawyer with all of you. Thank you.
 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association | 216-696-3525  I prefer it), it can be difficult to fully appreciate   are a testament to the enormity of what we do as
            the entire scope of the legal profession and the
                                               attorneys and the positive impact that we have
            different types of law that are practiced on a   on both the legal profession and the community.   Ian Friedman is a partner at Friedman &
            daily basis just here in our City.  Some of the   The forward-thinking work and research com-  Nemecek, L.L.C., which is a Cleveland-based
            busier lawyers may not have a significant in-  forts me as I am reminded that we are a city of   criminal defense law firm. He is the current
            terest or need to consider the tireless efforts   great lawyers with a home in the CMBA where   President of the CMBA. He has served as
            undertaken by the CMBA to keep current with   we can always come together. The bar is where   President of the American Board of Criminal
            all emerging legal trends and to incorporate   we can see and feel the larger profession around   Lawyers, Ohio Association of Criminal Lawyers
            all lawyers into its programming. This month,   us.  Simply put, whether it is reading the Bar   and CM-Law Alumni Association. He is an
            I am proud to read the feature articles writ-  Journal or sitting at one of the countless working   Adjunct Professor at CM-Law where he teaches
            ten by successful members of our bar touch-  groups, I am incredibly grateful for the fulfill-  Cybercrime. He is a recipient of the CMBA’s
            ing on timely themes, some of which did not   ment that I’ve experienced in my life because of   William K. Thomas Award for Professionalism
            even exist one year ago. Through our numer-  the privilege of being able to practice law. My ex-  and was named by Best Lawyers in America
            ous practice committees, including Litigation   posure to so many other lawyers who are follow-  as 2019 Lawyer of The Year, Criminal Defense:
            and Cyber Security, Data Privacy & Emerging   ing their calling in other practice areas fosters   General Practice. He has been a CMBA member
            Technologies, it is easy to see why the CMBA   my sense of appreciation. At the end of the day,   since 2002 and is a CMBF Fellow. He can be
            remains an invaluable resource not just to our   although  I  chose  to  practice  criminal  defense   reached at (216) 928-7700 or
              NOVEMBER 2019                                                            CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL  | 5
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