Page 5 - December 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
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COLuMN                 BarJournal

                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

            LAW 2040 TASK fOrCe:


                                                      Marlon A. Primes                                              frOM THe PreSIdenT

                n fall of 1982, I arrived at Ohio University   In order to help us prepare to use AI to   although the early adoption of AI and
                as a freshman after working all summer   better our practice while still employing   other new technologies may seem at
                as a bus boy and dishwasher at an Akron   a  robust  workforce,  the  Cleveland   times to be intimidating, I am confident
                restaurant to be able to afford the latest   Metropolitan Bar Association has formed   that the Law 2040 Task Force will propel
            Iacademic technology, a typewriter with   the  Law  2040  Task  Force.  This  group   our bar association into the future feeling
            correction ribbon. The innovation significantly   of individuals will help us to analyze   assured that we are investing our time and
            reduced the frustration of making errors when   the value of AI and other developing   efforts into technology that will change our
            typing essays and assignments, and I was proud   technologies and decide how best to use   profession for the better.
            of myself for working so hard to purchase it. I   them to our advantage.  If you are interested in joining the Law
            cheerfully carried the typewriter and its black   Law 2040 is still in its formative stages,   2040 Task Force or have suggestions on
            carrying case with me to Ohio University,   and its purpose is to envision how members   how  we  can  take  advantage  of artificial
            knowing the sacrifices I made would pay off.   of the bar and others in the field of law will   intelligence, please contact me at  marlon.
              However, the world continued to change,   practice 20 years from now. I, and the other
            and the typewriter with correction ribbon   members of the task force, hope to learn
            quickly became obsolete as new technology   more on the topic and develop ways to put
            took over the market. Next came word   members of  the bar in the best  position   Marlon A. Primes has been a CMBA member
            processors housed in crowded computer   to represent their clients efficiently and   since 1993. He previously served as: a member of
            labs, which were inconvenient because there   effectively while still upholding the highest   the Board of Trustees, the Chair of the Litigation
            was no guarantee that a computer would   professional and ethical standards.  Section, the Chair of the 3Rs Committee, and the
            become available to use to meet deadlines.   Robert Hager, a managing partner at   Chair of the Justice for All Committee. Marlon
            Floppy disks were great for their time, too,   Brennan, Manna & Diamond in Akron and   has worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in
            and then came personal laptops.   one of my longtime friends, is one of the   Cleveland for the past 26 years. He received his
              I learned quickly in college and in the   founding members of the task force. His   law degree from Georgetown University Law
            following years that technology changes   experience in strategic planning for firms   Center and his undergraduate degree from Ohio
            rapidly, and in order to remain current and   makes him an invaluable resource who   University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism.
            effective, people and organizations must   will help the group commit to being an   He can be reached at (216) 622-3684 or Marlon.
            change rapidly, too. The latest development   innovative and collaborative information Follow him on Twitter
            in technology that can drastically change the   source  that  anticipates  technological  @MPrimesCMBA.
            way we conduct business and practice law is   changes and help members of the bar to do
            artificial intelligence (AI). Algorithms have   the same.            Certified Auto/Motorcycle Appraisals
            been crafted to predict an attorney’s chance   “We want to try and be out in front of this     Certified Appraisers for:

            of winning a case, contracts and legal briefs   issue. We don’t want to be the last ones to       Charitable Donations/Estate Planning

            can be created in an automated blink of   the party,” Hager said. “These are the sort       All Insurance Claims
            an eye with IBM’s ROSS Intelligence legal   of cutting-edge, innovation issues that law       Bankruptcy
            system, and sifting through documents by   firms have to deal with, and rather than       Diminished Value
                                                                                     Expert Witness
            hand during discovery has become a tedious   every law firm having to figure it out for
            labor of the past.                themselves, the task force can come together
              Some studies have shown that AI   and share ideas and have discussions and
            could  reduce  jobs  in  the  legal  profession   see what’s going on.”
            dramatically in the next ten years. Globally,   I know from my personal experience
            more and more firms are integrating AI into   in the 1980s with my typewriter with   Auto Appraisal Group • John Golias
            their workplaces, but many remain unaware   correction  ribbon  that  it  is  difficult  to   440-526-3445 • 800-848-2886
            of the new developments in the field.  anticipate and accept change.  Similarly,
            dECEMBER 2018                                                              Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 5
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