Page 18 - January 2020 BarJournal
P. 18





                                                                               BY NATALIE THOMAS

        2020 is upon us and everyone is talking about   can help you to avoid depression, anxiety, and   job, without a thought for the right job. The push
        New Year’s resolutions. While we all may have   even ethical issues.   to please partners and try to fit in more work
        some personal goals to improve something   Why do so many people fail at their goals?   despite  exhaustion.  All  of  these  pressures  can
        outside of our careers, it is important that we all   So many of us hear everyone talking about their   cause us to act without first thinking of what we
        take this time and re-address our 2020 business   resolutions  or  goals  that sound  like  this:  “Get   truly need to do. If you don’t have an end goal in
        and career goals. We all spent a lot of time and   more paying clients,” “Get a job,” “Spend more   mind, you will make crucial mistakes.
        energy achieving big goals of going to law school   time with my family in 2020,” “Settle more cases”
        and passing the bar. Those steps were laid out for   ... and so on. These goals are well-intended but   Setting EPIC goals
        you, now it’s up to you to lay out the goals and   terrible goals; they leave us asking how? Why?   What exactly do you do to avoid all the pitfalls of
        steps for the rest of your career.  When? Just as good goals can help you avoid   the common January resolution and goal setting
          If you failed to meet your goals in 2019 or   depression and ethical issues, a bad goal can   buzz? In short, set better goals!
        your energy to accomplish them didn’t even last   motivate us to cut corners, have less effective   But first, you have to take time to pause and
        through January, you have to restructure how you   marketing, work too quickly on cases, fail to   consider what it is you truly want to achieve in
        set goals in order to see any significant change for   put the time in that we need, or take a job that   2020. You have a blank canvas to craft the year
        2020. The reality is that as solo practice attorneys,   is wholly misfit with our long term career goals.  and successes you really want to achieve. To do
        young lawyers, or even lawyers in medium to   Young lawyers fall prey to poor goals very   this, take some time to try to clear your mind and
        large firms, goals are the key to avoiding so many   frequently. The push for young solos to open a   consider exactly what you want to be feeling at this
        problems we face as attorneys. You have to set   law firm, do more than a year before, and grow   time in 2021. If you need help with this feel free to
        effective goals and execute on them. Setting great   their practice is high. The anxiety a newly barred   reach out to me. Once you know exactly what you
        goals and breaking them down into action steps   attorney feels when they just really need to get a   want, use that as a basis for your great goal.

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