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             retain up to $127,061 (as of December 2018).
             The yearly household income must be less
             than the amount set by Congress to qualify
             for the pension benefit (currently $26,766 for
             a married veteran who qualifies for aid and
             attendance). Recent changes to the VA rules
             have resulted in a three-year “lookback” period
             for gifts or asset transfers.
            3. Medicaid. Medicaid is available to low-
             income and low-resourced individuals who

             require long-term care (whether such care is   Celebrating Women & INSPIRE Awards
             at home, in an assisted living or in a nursing
             home). A single individual may have no more   As recognized throughout the annual conference, INSPIRE honorees are innovators,
             than $2,000 in countable resources. A married   entrepreneurs, and influencers for an engaging exchange about the most important issues of our
             couple may retain the home, one car, and   time, translating their ideas into action that chart the course for the future. It celebrates those
             the community spouse resource allowance   women as a source of inspiration and support that connects and empowers women, helping them
             (generally calculated as one-half of the couples   to realize their potential and reach new heights.
             combined resources subject to a maximum   Programs support learning, networking, inspiration, team-building, and career advice for advancing
             threshold of $126,420 ). There is also an   your career, growing your organization’s business, and transforming the industry.
             income cap of $2,313 per month. Individuals
             whose income exceeds this threshold must   Recipients from the CMBA/WIL Section include: Karen Giffen on behalf of the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland,
                                                  Mary Jane Trapp, Thrasher Dinsmore Dolan LLP/ Judge for the 11th Ohio District Court of Appeals;
             establish a Qualified Income Trust prior to   Allison McMeechan, Reminger Co., L.P.A.; and Caroline Gluek, Northern Trust. Founder Lee Ann O’Brien,
             applying for Medicaid. And, finally, Medicaid   CMBF Trustee and WIL section member (second from left).
             has a 60-month “lookback” period for gifts or
             asset transfers.                     WHEN WOMEN MENTOR WOMEN, WE ALL RISE!
             There is also movement challenging
            us to think differently about accessibility.   Now accepting nominations for the 10 Anniversary INSPIRE Awards!
            Accessibility to affordable housing, accessibility
            to quality housing that supports people
            remaining in their homes with innovative
            designs that can promote independence,
            and accessibility to social and community   rights, domestic violence, education,   come during the day for medical services and
            programs promoting a healthy lifestyle for   employment, family law, health, housing,   activities between one and five days a week.
            quality of life and longevity. New concepts to   foreclosure, immigration, public benefits,   McGregor PACE provides transportation for
            consider include elder self-directed intentional   utilities, and tax.   participants to and from their home.
            community (EIC), the Household Model,   3. Senior Transportation Connection  (STC)   5. City of Cleveland Department of Aging
            Walkable Communities, “Go Tiny,” Village to   (  STC  will  provide  (
            Village Network, Villages, and other affordable   transportation to medical appointments,   Home/Government/CityAgencies/Aging).
            housing options. Other resources to familiarize   including  dialysis,  rehabilitation  and  The City of Cleveland Department of Aging
            yourself with include:               treatment; senior centers; meals and   provides health and social services, home
            1. Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (www.  programs; grocery shopping; personal service   maintenance, financial assistance housing
    Lutheran Metropolitan   appointments; and social opportunities so   assistance, transportation, and senior
             Ministry focuses on housing and shelter,   clients can remain independent, healthy and   safety information.
             workforce development, health and wellness   connected to the community. STC supports   6. Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging
             services, innovative programs that serve with   36 zip codes within 75 percent of Cuyahoga   (WRAAA)  (www.Areaagingsolutions.
             people who are homeless, youth who are at-  County.                     org).  The WRAAA provides  services  and
             risk, older adults who are vulnerable, people   4. Program of All-inclusive Care for the   programs to older adults and persons
             impacted by the criminal justice system, and   Elderly  (PACE) (   with disabilities in an effort to provide
             individuals with behavioral health needs.  PACE is the only program  of its  kind in   information, assistance, consultation,  and
            2. Legal Aid Society of Cleveland (www.  Ohio, addressing the medical, rehabilitative,   long-term care services and supports.
     Legal  Aid  represents  clients   social, and personal care needs of Cuyahoga   Balancing career, family, life and fulfillment
             in court and in administrative hearings   County’s seniors. Using a community-based   is the one challenge we all have in common.
             and cases that impact basic needs such as   approach, PACE enables eligible participants   By educating ourselves on the issues facing our
             health,  shelter  and safety,  economics  and   to remain among familiar surroundings while   clients today, we can ensure that we are able
             education, and access to justice. Legal Aid’s   receiving  the  help  they  need.  PACE  senior   to assist with their life and care planning into
             attorneys practice in the areas of consumer   care centers are where PACE participants can   the future.

            DECEMBER 2019                                                              CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 39
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