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Authorize any representative of all banks and/  2018 WL 1383188 (S.D. Fla.) (denying request   PRIVATE MEDIATOR
                                                                                       PRIVATE MEDIATOR
              or any type of lending institution which I have   for forensic examination of cell phone because   THOMAS REPICKY, ESQ.
                                                                                     THOMAS REPICKY, ESq.
              done any business with to consult with and/or   it was not “tailored to obtain information that
                                                                                      Tort, Employment, Commercial
              deliver to any representative of [the insurer]   is relevant to any claim or defense in this case”);   Tort, Employment, Commercial
                                                                                          and Malpractice Claims
              any and all records referred to or requested by   John B. v. Goetz, 531 F.3d 448, 459-60 (6th Cir.   and Malpractice Claims

              any representative of [the insurer].   2008)  (denying  request  for  forensic  imaging             Effective & Experienced
                                                                                               Effective & Experienced
              The North Carolina Supreme Court   because it was “extremely broad in nature and
                                                                                               Over 1,500 Mediationss
            found that an insurer does not have an   the connection between the [devices] and the            Over 1,400 Mediation

                                                                                               Mediated Claims
            “unlimited right to roam at will through all   claims” was “unduly vague or unsubstantiated             Mediated Claims
                                                                                               $10,000 to $12 million
            of the insured’s…records without restriction   in nature”).                              $10,000 to $12 million

            of reasonableness and specificity. Such an   In light of these principles, policyholders   (440) 247-3898
                                                                                             (440) 247-3898
            obligation would subject an insured to endless   should  respond  to  carriers  demanding  a

            document production…as the insurer fished   cell phone inspection or production of their
            for evidence on which to build” its defense.”   social media activity by expressing their
            Id. at 499.                        legitimate concerns that these requests will
              The Washington Supreme Court, in Tran,   involve the disclosure of private and irrelevant   Facebook archives can be obtained by the
            supra, agreed that “an insurance company   information. The insured should then ask its   user by following a few simple steps and the
            should not have license to burden an insured   insurer the following:   information is presented in a readable and fairly
            with demands for items that are immaterial.”   1. What type of information is being sought   organized  format. Any  concerns  the  carrier
            961 P.2d 358, 367.                   from the cell phone or social media account?   may have as to whether all the information
              Although the Rules of Civil Procedure   2. Is there a less intrusive way to provide the   specifically  requested  is being provided can
            do not apply to an insurer’s information   information sought?         conceivably be addressed by borrowing some
            requests from policyholders during claims   When addressed in this manner, most   of the concepts from the protocol described
            investigations since no lawsuit exists, the   carriers respond by  identifying the  specific   above at the carrier’s expense.
            manner in which courts have addressed   type of information sought relating to the   These and other forms of electronic
            discovery disputes over access to social   investigation. The probable reason is the   information are becoming more and more
            media information and electronic data are   reality that a  court would  likely not find  an   a part of insurance claim investigations. As
            also instructive. Many courts agree that “a   insured breached his or her duty to cooperate   suggested by the above, policyholders should
            party is no more entitled to…unfettered   where the insurer failed to specify the relevant   be proactive in addressing blanket demands
            access  to an  opponent’s  social networking   information being sought and instead insisted   for examination of their mobile devices and
            communications than it is to rummage   on  carte  blanche  access  to  all  information   social media accounts. Insurers should specify
            through the desk drawers and closets in his   contained in the insured’s mobile device and   the type of information sought that is relevant
            opponent’s home.” Ogden v. All-State Career   social media account.    to their investigation and a protocol should
            School, 299 F.R.D. 446, 450 (W.D. Pa. 2014);   If there is no less intrusive way to provide   be agreed upon as appropriate. If both sides
            Appler v. Mead Johnson & Co., LLC, 2015 WL   the information sought, a well drafted protocol   are reasonable, then the insurer’s concerns
            5615038, *4 (S.D. Ind.); Tompkins v. Detroit   should be considered. Forensic examinations   about obtaining information material to
            Metro.  Airport, 278 F.R.D. 387, 388 (E.D.   of mobile devices require an extraction of all   its investigation and the insured’s concerns
            Mich.  2012).  Instead,  the  requesting  party   of the items from a specified category(s) from   about handing over private, potentially
            must identify some specific evidence tending   the device before sorting through the data —   embarrassing, and irrelevant information can
            to show that relevant information exists.   the extraction cannot be limited to a certain   both be alleviated.
            McCann v. Harleysville Ins. Co. of N.Y.,  78   time period or to certain subjects (e.g., if text
            A.D. 3d 1524, 1525 (N.Y. App. Div. 2010).   messages are sought, all text messages will be
              Similarly, one of the key factors courts   collected not just those involving conversations   Justin Rudin is an attorney at
            consider before ordering forensic examination   between specific people or phone numbers).   Rutter & Russin, LLC. He
            of electronic devices is the specificity of the   For  this  reason,  the  insured  should  propose   advocates  for  insurance
            request and relevance to the action. See Greres   a protocol addressing (1) the independent   policyholders in disputes with
            v. Xyngular Corp.,  2014  WL  1320273,  *4  (D.   examiner performing the inspection; (2) the   their insurance companies. Justin’s
            Utah) (granting motion to compel examination   gathering of the information by the examiner   main focus is first-party property insurance
            of plaintiff’s cell phone where defendant sought   that is responsive to the insurer’s request; (3) a   claims and life insurance claims, including
            “narrow category of information”);  Bakhit v.   procedure allowing the insured to first review   those governed by ERISA. He currently serves
            Safety Marketing, Inc., 2014 WL 2916490, *2   the information obtained for privilege and   as a vice-chair of the ABA Tort Trial &
            (D. Conn.) (denying request for inspection   relevance to the claim and preparation of a   Insurance Practice Section’s Property Insurance
            because it was overbroad, the requesting   privilege log describing any information the   Law Committee and has been named one of
            party did not show they could not obtain   insured objects to disclosure and the basis; and   Super Lawyers Rising Stars in 2017 and again
            the information elsewhere, and the request   (4) a mechanism for resolving any disputes   in 2018. He has been a CMBA member since
            implicated privacy concerns in the cell phone   over information identified on the privilege   2016. He can be reached at (216) 642-1425 or
            data); Ramos v. Hopele of Ft. Lauderdale, LLC,   log via a court or other third party.
            mAy 2019                                                                   CLEvELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL  | 17
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