Page 9 - May2019_BarJournal
P. 9
Dave mechenbier
Company: CMBA the Honorable
Title: Director of Finance and Operations
Start Date: September 2018 Anita Laster mays
College: John Carroll University
Firm/Company: ohio Court of Appeals, 8th district
if yoU Were not in yoUr cUrrent Title: Judge
Profession, WHAt WoULD yoU Be? CMBA Join Date: 1999
I’d be doing something outdoors, maybe for undergrad: The Ohio State University
the Forest Service at a National Park. I love the Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
outdoors and beauty of these parks.
if yoU Were not PrActicing LAW,
yoUr most emBArrAssing WHAt WoULD yoUr Profession Be?
ProfessionAL moment? If I was not practicing law, I would be the owner of
I met my new boss at a global leadership meeting an accounting firm. My undergraduate degree was
in Las Vegas. The plan was for the two of us to fly in accounting and management information systems.
back to Cleveland early one morning so he could I would have gotten my certified public accounting
meet the rest of the department. Guess who slept certification and also completed courses in cyber
through the wake up alarm? I awoke to his ‘where justin Withrow security. My goal would have been to protect my clients’
are you phone call’. We did make it to the airport on electronic financial information as well as to ensure that
time only to be delayed 4+ hours due to mechanical Firm/Company: flannery | Georgalis their financial practices are sound.
problems. Title: Senior Associate Attorney
CMBA Join Date: 2015 WHAt WAs yoUr first Pet? its nAme?
eAst siDe or West siDe? undergrad: Michigan State University My first pet was a dog, a Rat Terrier. Her name was “You
Both. I lived on the east side for about ten years, Law School: University of Detroit Mercy School Know.” We got her in 1969 and wanted people to ask
work took me all over the east, west and south for of Law us her name so that we could say “You Know?”
three years and have been on the west side for 30
years. East side or west side, I don’t get it. teLL Us ABoUt yoUr fAmiLy. most memorABLe cmBA moment
My wife and I have two little girls, Peyton, soon to be My most memorable CMBA moment was the creation
WHAt’s on yoUr BUcket List? 4, and Harper, soon to be 2. We are also expecting of the 3Rs program. I have been working as a board
It would start with a trip to the far north to our third child, a boy, later this summer. The girls member since its inception. When it launched, I was so
experience the Aurora Borealis. I guess I’d have to have affectionately named him “Tarzan.” excited and seeing the reactions of the students was
work in a couple day layover in Paris to warm up so fulfilling. The way the teachers embraced us and the
and keep the peace at home. teLL Us ABoUt yoUr Pets. students’ eagerness to learn was amazing. What was
We have two Border Collies named Cooper and more memorable then that was hearing students talk
one fUn fAct ABoUt yoU? Chloe. They love anybody who is willing to throw their about becoming lawyers once they were positively
After college I took a three week or so motorcycle tennis balls. They also love chasing around the kids! exposed to the justice system. Then several years later
trip from western Pennsylvania to Yellowstone to being at the law school graduation of one of the 3Rs
Albuquerque. If I had only known how cold the HoW DiD yoU meet yoUr sPoUse? participants brought the program full circle.
mountains could be in June! She was my sister’s best friend at the university of
Miami-Ohio. We eventually started dating while I WHAt’s on yoUr BUcket List?
was in law school. In 1999, my mother was diagnosed with pulmonary
fibrosis from secondhand smoke. So, we made a bucket
WHere DiD yoU go on yoUr list with her. At least one of my siblings completed an
Honeymoon? item with her: Alaska – completed; Hawaii – completed;
We went to Florida and then rented a nice visited the 48 contiguous states – completed; see the
convertible to drive up to Savannah, Georgia for Sequoias (redwood trees) – completed; Visit Africa,
a few days. unfortunately, it was a downpour the Australia and stand in hurricane force winds – not
entire four-hour drive. completed, therefore, those are left for me to do. My
mom and I were weather enthusiasts and contacted the
WHAt ADvice WoULD yoU give to A Weather Channel to fulfill the last request. However, the
LAW stUDent? closest we got was standing in Hurricane Sandy’s winds
Never stop networking. because my mom was getting sick. She passed in 2013.