Page 4 - October2019_BarJournal
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                                            IT’S ALL ABOUT


                                                                             Rebecca Ruppert McMahon

                    uring  the  past  year,  the   of  the  Real  Estate  Law  Section, to see if   have seats at the table are too important to
                    CMBA’s Thought Leadership   they would consider helping us build a   ignore. In addition to continuing coverage
                    Committee  has  devoted  “Future State of Justice” issue. We zeroed   in the Bar Journal and periodic membership
                    significant time to considering   in on October because we needed time to   updates, our monthly Hot Talks happening
        Dthe myriad of issues that          plan (six months in the making), we thought   at noon on the 2  Tuesday of every month
        surround justice in our community. This has   our environmental and real estate lawyer   will be devoted to the subject of the Justice
        included the state of bail/bond reform, the   members  would  be  engaged  by  the  topic,   Center for the rest of 2019 and into 2020.
        conditions of the county jail and the build/  and because the 8  Judicial Conference is   These conversations are free, open to the
        rebuild project at the Justice Center. Much of   being held this month and we wanted to help   public and streamed live on Facebook.
        that  thoughtful  consideration  has  focused on   inform those who will be in attendance as   I encourage every member to put these
        how best to focus the CMBA’s programs and   they take up discussion of what comes next   conversations on your calendars so you can
        activities in order to keep you, our members, up   in Cuyahoga County. As you can see, Tasha   participate in some form. Our community
        to date and engaged on what are unquestionably   and Dan jumped on board and went to work   deserves the engagement, commitment and
        some of the most important and complex issues   drumming up support and excitement ... and   input of every one of our members.
        facing our community.               great article ideas ... from their respective   If the discussions regarding the Justice
          During a spring meeting of the 15-person   sections. I am grateful for their leadership in   Center were merely focused on building
        committee, then-Thought Leadership Chair,   pulling this landmark issue together.   a building, I likely would not have the
        Karen  Giffen, offered a suggestion: why not   In the intervening months, as you’ve been   same burning sense of urgency to see the
        devote an entire issue of the Bar Journal to our   reading in a variety of recent updates from   CMBA gain voting access to the Steering
        justice system and literally show our members   Ian Friedman and me, the CMBA has been   Committee. But the Justice Center Project
        just how focused we are on these issues?   working toward creating a more direct line   is about far more than building a building.
          By way of background, each Bar Journal   of access between our membership and the   The Steering Committee members — all
        issue is developed based upon an established,   decisions that will be made in the coming   of whom exist in the politicized world of
        annual editorial calendar. That process   months about the kind of justice system that   elections and public appointments — have
        ensures every issue will include 8–12 articles   will exist in our community. The CMBA   the quintessential chance to transform our
        selected for submission by the chairs of two   was overlooked from the outset when our   justice system, to do far better tomorrow
        or three sections that are being highlighted   county’s leaders convened the Justice Center   than we did yesterday.
        in a given issue. Authors are not given any   Project Executive Steering Committee. We   The CMBA exists to promote the rule of
        real direction about what to write other than   believed that oversight could and would be   law — not for certain constituencies but
        a word count limitation and a request to pen   remedied. We were wrong. While no one   for all. And so we will continue to create
        an article that addresses some topic relevant   has offered a legitimate reason as to why the   pathways that enable the many voices of our
        for the section being spotlighted.   CMBA should not have a seat at the table, a   diverse, multi-faceted legal community and
          To the best of our organizational   few individuals have expended great effort   their clients to be heard.
        knowledge, we have never devoted an entire   to keep out.
        Bar Journal issue to one overarching subject.   Whether we are inside or outside of the
          With Karen’s suggestion in hand, I   formal structure, the CMBA will continue   Rebecca Ruppert McMahon is the CEO of the
        reached out  to  Tasha Miracle, Chair of   to shine a light on the discussions that are   CMBA. She has been a CMBA member since
        the Environmental, Energy & Natural   happening. The future course that is being   1995. She can be reached at (216) 696-3525 or
        Resources Section, and Dan Hinkel, Chair   charted by the 12 public officials who do

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