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                above the finished grade or other surface below, on the         SECTION 704
                exterior of the room, space or building, and that are         MEANS OF EGRESS
                provided with window fall prevention devices  that   704.1 General.  Alterations shall be done  in  a manner  that
                comply with ASTM F2006.
                                                              maintains the level of protection provided for the means of
              2. Operable windows with openings that are provided   egress.
                with  window fall  prevention devices that comply
                with ASTM F2090.
         702.5 Replacement window emergency escape and rescue                   SECTION 705
         openings. Where  windows are required  to provide emer-                 REROOFING
         gency escape  and  rescue openings in Group R-2 and  R-3   [BS] 705.1 General. Materials and methods  of  application
         occupancies  and one- and two-family dwellings and town-  used  for recovering or replacing an  existing  roof covering
         houses regulated by the  International Residential Code,   shall  comply with the requirements of Chapter 15 of the
         replacement windows shall be exempt from the requirements   International Building Code.
         of Sections 1030.2, 1030.3 and 1030.4 of the International
         Building Code and Sections R310.2.1, R310.2.2 and       Exceptions:
         R310.2.3 of the International Residential Code, provided that   1. Roof replacement or roof recover of existing low-
         the replacement window meets the following conditions:      slope roof coverings shall not be required to meet
           1. The replacement window is the manufacturer’s largest   the minimum design slope requirement of one-quar-
              standard size window that will fit within the existing   ter unit vertical in  12 units  horizontal (2-percent
              frame or existing rough opening.                       slope) in Section 1507 of the International Building
                                                                     Code for roofs that provide positive roof drainage.
           2. The replacement window is not part of a  change of
              occupancy.                                           2. Recovering or replacing  an existing  roof covering
           Window opening control devices complying with ASTM        shall  not  be required to meet  the requirement for
         F2090 shall be permitted for use on windows required to pro-  secondary (emergency overflow) drains or scuppers
         vide emergency escape and rescue openings.                  in Section 1502 of the International Building Code
                                                                     for roofs that provide for positive roof drainage. For
         702.6 Materials and methods. New work shall comply with
                                                                     the purposes of this exception, existing secondary
         the materials and methods requirements in the International   drainage or scupper systems required in accordance
         Building Code,  International Energy Conservation Code,
                                                                     with this code shall not be removed unless they are
         International Mechanical Code, and International Plumbing
                                                                     replaced by secondary drains or scuppers designed
         Code, as applicable, that specify material standards, detail of   and installed in accordance with Section 1502 of the
         installation and connection, joints, penetrations, and continu-  International Building Code.
         ity of any element, component, or system in the building.
                                                              [BS]  705.2 Structural and construction loads. Structural
           [FG] 702.6.1 International Fuel Gas Code. The follow-
           ing sections of the International Fuel Gas Code shall con-  roof components shall be capable of supporting the roof-cov-
           stitute the fuel gas materials and methods requirements for   ering system and the material and equipment loads that will
           Level 1 alterations.                               be encountered during installation of the system.
                                                              [BS] 705.3 Roof replacement.  Roof replacement shall
              1. Chapter 3, entitled  “General Regulations,” except
                Sections 303.7 and 306.                       include the removal of all existing layers of roof coverings
                                                              down to the roof deck.
               2. Chapter 4,  entitled “Gas Piping Installations,”
                except Sections 401.8 and 402.3.                 Exception: Where the existing roof assembly includes an
                                                                 ice barrier membrane that is adhered to the roof deck, the
                   2.1. Sections 401.8 and 402.3 shall apply where
                      the work being performed increases the load   existing ice barrier membrane shall be permitted to remain
                      on the system  such  that the existing pipe   in place and covered with an additional layer of ice barrier
                      does not meet the size required by code.   membrane in accordance with Section 1507 of the Interna-
                      Existing systems that are modified shall not   tional Building Code.
                      require resizing as long  as the  load on the   [BS] 705.3.1 Roof recover. The installation of a new roof
                      system is  not increased and the system    covering over an existing roof covering shall be permitted
                      length  is not increased even if  the altered   where any of the following conditions occur:
                      system does not meet code minimums.
                                                                   1. The new roof covering is installed  in  accordance
              3. Chapter 5, entitled “Chimneys and Vents.”           with the roof covering manufacturer’s  approved
              4. Chapter 6, entitled “Specific Appliances.”          instructions.
                                                                   2. Complete and separate roofing systems, such as
                                                                     standing-seam  metal roof panel systems, that are
                           SECTION 703                               designed to transmit the roof loads  directly to  the
                         FIRE PROTECTION                             building’s structural system and that do not rely on
         703.1 General.  Alterations shall  be done in  a manner that   existing roofs and  roof coverings  for support, are
         maintains the level of fire protection provided.            installed.

         32                                                             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE  ®
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