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                               Excited delirium syndrome

         Dr. Ajith Rathnaweera

         Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Galle

         The  police  tried  arresting  a  37  year-old  male,  after   the  symptoms  associated  with  this  condition are
         receiving several complains of aggressive behaviour   explainable,  cause  of  death  is  not  very  straight
         and  shouting  at  his  neighbours.  At  the  sight  of  the   forward.  The  uncommon  nature  of  the  syndrome
         police,  he  initially  tried  to  run,  however  he  was           adds  to  the  outrage  and  strengthens  the  claim  of
         cornered by the  attending officers.  At that moment,   police  brutality.  Some  people  believe  that  excited
         he  became  very  aggressive  and  violent  and  threat-  delirium is a cover used by the authorities in cases
         ened the police officers. He even grabbed one officer   of  excessive  use  of  force  by  the  law  enforcement
         and  was  able  to  put  him  down.  The  police  officers   agencies .
         had  to  wrestle  with  him  for  almost  five  minutes        In  most  instances,  just  like  the  above  mentioned
         before  they  were  able  to  control  him.  According  to   one, deaths are due to combined effects of physio-
         them he had enormous strength and was very agitat-   logical  consequences  of  violent  physical  activity
         ed at that time. Once he was hand cuffed, he became   and  the  effect  of  the  drugs  they  were  on.  During
         very  silent. He was immediately taken to the police   a  struggle,  there  is  sudden  release  of  catechola-
         station where he was put behind bars. Half an hour   mines  into  the  circulation.  Catecholamines  usually
         later, when the inquiring officers came to get a state-  increases  the  rate  and  force  of  contraction  of
         ment  from  him,  he  was  found  to  be  unresponsive.
                                                              the  heart,  the  conduction  velocity  and  the  blood
         He  was  immediately  taken  to  the  nearby  hospital,   pressure.  All  these  events  leads  to  an  increase
         where  he  was  found  to  be  dead  on  admission.                                2
                                                              demand of oxygen by the heart . The highest levels
         An inquest was held and a post-mortem examination    of catecholamine levels are observed not during the
         was  carried  out. There  were  no  significant  external   struggle  but  couple  of  minutes  after  cessation  of
         or internal injuries present. Blood alcohol level was   such  activity .  During  a  struggle,  blood  potassium
         220  mg/dl  and  cocaine  and  its  metabolites  were   concentrations also increases rapidly . It is reported
         identified  in  his  blood  and  urine  samples.  Histo-  that  this  increase  may  be  as  high  as  5  mEq/l
         pathology  of  all  organs  were  performed  and  there   or  more.  However,  just  after  the  struggle,  there
         was no significant pathology present. Relations of the   is rapid drop of  potassium levels which ultimately
         deceased  charged  that  this  person  died  following       reaches  hypockalaemic  levels.  This  hypokalaemia
         police  assault.  However,  post-mortem  examination   can persist for around 90 minutes after the  strug-
         did not reveal any suggestive evidence. The probable   gle .  These  extreme  potassium  levels  have  cardiac
         cause of death was given as Excited Delirium.        arrythmogenic  effects.  However,  these  arrythmo-

         From  time  to  time,  forensic  pathologists  will         genic  effects  are  neutralized  by  the  simultaneous
         encounter cases of sudden death during or immedi-    rising  levels  of  chatecholamines,  which  at  initial
         ately  after  a  violent  struggle,  with  a  followed  up   levels  have  a  cardio  protective  action.  “Thus,
         post-mortem  examination  failing  to  reveal  an             the  danger  time  for  arrhythmias  is  immediately
         anatomical cause of death. Usually these deaths are   following  cessation  of  physical  activity,  when
         following attempted restrains of a violent struggler   blood  catecholamine,  concentrations  continue  to
         by the law enforcement officers. The usual presen-   rise  while  potassium  levels  drop  dramatically  to
         tation in such deaths is that of individuals in excited   hypokalemic levels. This period has been referred
         delirium. Explaining excited delirium to the general
                                                              to as the time of post-exercise peril, in that there
         public  sometimes  is  very  difficult.  Even  though

         Newsletter;  Galle Medical Association,   March 2020; Volume 20: Issue 1
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