Page 2 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 2


           In  the  Independent  Curriculum,  it  is  essential  for  the  learning
           content  and  teaching  materials  to  be  relevant  and  contextual

           (Ingtias, 2022). Additionally, Rizki and Fahkrunisa  (2022) mention
           that the purpose of this guideline is to foster an advanced Indonesia

           that  is  sovereign,    independent,  and  characterized  by  individuals
           who  embody  the  values  of  Pancasila,  namely   critical  thinking,
           creative,  independent,  possess  faith,  fear  God  Almighty,  and
           demonstrate   noble character.

           One  of  the  most  crucial  and  contextual  issues  that  needs  to  be

           taught to the students  is about climate change issues (Tenridinanti,
           2021).  According  to  the  United  Nations    Educational  (2022),

           Climate  Change  Education  (CCE)  fosters  an  appreciation  of  the
           intricate  and interconnected nature of the various challenges posed

           by  climate  change.  Education    plays  a  vital  role  in  the  global

           response to climate change by enhancing people’s  understanding
           of its impact, promoting “climate literacy” among youth, influencing
           attitudes    and  behaviors,  and  facilitating  adaptation  to  climate

           change-related trends.

           Depending on students' needs, the virtual drama scripts  on climate

           change and Profil Pelajar Pancasila dimensions is needed by the
           students.  A  lot  of  information  obtained  is  related  to  the  needs,

           wants, lack of study, and  even students’ preferences in learning. In
           addition, the teacher of English in the interviewed session said that

           the  virtual  drama    scripts  could  be  useful  for  students  to  perform
           virtual  drama  in  P5  (Projek  Penguatan  Profil    Pelajar  Pancasila).

           Therefore,  developing  climate  change-based  virtual  drama  scripts

           with  Profil Pelajar Pancasila dimensions is necessarily needed by
           students  to  improve  the    knowledge  regarding  climate  change  as

           well as increasing the awareness of Pancasila’s   value in daily lives.
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