Page 32 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 32


                                "THE WIND OF SORROW"

             4. What is the topic of the conversation between the parents and
                 children in Scene 4?
                 a) Vacation plans for the summer.
                 b) Responsibility and caring for younger siblings.

                 c) The latest village gossip.
                 d) Their favorite meals.

                 e) None of the above.

             5. Why do the parents want Maya and Hanum to understand

                 their responsibilities?
                 a) Because they want their children to become professional

                 b) Because they are planning a family vacation.
                 c) Because it's a heavy but important aspect of love and
                     family life.

                 d) Because the parents are tired of taking care of their
                 e) Because they want their children to become doctors.
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