Page 58 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 58


                                     "HEAVY RAINFALL"

            1. Incessant /ɪnˈsɛsənt/ - (adjective) Continuing without

            interruption; non-stop.

            2. Lightning /ˈlaɪt-nɪŋ/ - (noun) A sudden flash of light caused by

            the discharge of electricity during a storm.

            3. Panicked /ˈpænɪkt/ - (adjective) Feeling or showing extreme

            fear or anxiety.

            4. Strangers /ˈstreɪn-dʒərz/ - (noun) People who are not known
            or familiar to each other.

            5. Intense /ɪnˈtɛns/ - (adjective) Extremely strong or severe.

            6. Minimarket /ˈmɪnɪ-ˌmɑr-kɪt/ - (noun) A small supermarket or

            convenience store.

            7. Incessant /ɪnˈsɛsənt/ - (adjective) Continuing without

            interruption; non-stop.

            8. Motorbike /ˈmoʊ-tər-ˌbaɪk/ - (noun) A small motorcycle.

            9. Improved /ɪm-ˈpruːvd/ - (adjective) Showing signs of
            becoming better or more favorable.

            10. Anxious /ˈæŋk-ʃəs/ - (adjective) Feeling worried or uneasy
            about something.
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