Page 32 - EW Oct 2023
P. 32
Education Briefs
JGU scholarships lescents in 20 districts and 89 tribal ships wing has been supporting stu-
blocks in the state. dents for over a decade, providing
Sonipat (haryana), september 4. To Under a memorandum of under- scholarships and financial assistance
commemorate its 15th anniversary standing, MBIF will train 18,000 to over 3,600 students. Over 800 ben-
year, the Sonipat (Haryana)-based government school teachers to im- eficiaries are successful white-collar
privately promoted O.P. Jindal Glob- part life skills to 1,000,000 adoles- professionals working in reputed com-
al University (JGU, estb.2009) an- cents in 9,000 government schools. panies and other institutions.
nounced the award of 2,000 schol- This partnership, supported by the Students from low income house-
arships to deserving students for the Echidna Group, will span four years, holds (less than Rs.3.20 lakh p.a) with
forthcoming academic year 2024-25. with the initial phase encompassing average score of 85 percent plus in
This initiative is for providing out- 20 districts and 53 blocks. class X SSC/CBSE/ICSE school-leav-
standing school-leavers with equal Dr. Pallavi Jain Goel, principal ing exams, who have secured admis-
opportunities to access high-quality secretary, department of tribal af- sion in junior colleges in Mumbai, are
education. fairs of the Government of Madhya eligible to apply for the Kotak Junior
“We are delighted to announce Pradesh said the state government is Scholarships.
this initiative to award 2,000 schol- committed to implementing the Na-
arships to our incoming students in tional Education Policy (NEP) 2020 Book Writing festival
2024. JGU believes education to be a into tangible action. “We firmly be-
beacon of opportunity for all, regard- lieve that equipping our adolescents Mumbai, september 2. The Singapore-
less of their family background or eco- with the right skills is the catalyst for based BriBooks and EducationWorld
nomic standing. Our founding Chan- unlocking their boundless potential announced the conclusion of India’s
cellor Mr. Naveen Jindal has always and empowering them to become self- Summer Book Writing Festival, which
recognised the importance of access reliant,” said Dr. Goel. attracted entries from 350,000 stu-
to education for deserving students “We are committed to co-creating dents from across the country.
regardless of their financial circum- contextualised curriculum and build- The festival provided young au-
stances. The most tangible expression ing capacities within the system to thors with an invaluable experience,
of this commitment is our generous train teachers to deliver life skills enhancing their love for literature,
scholarship programme,” said Prof. education in line with NEP 2020 pri- honing their entrepreneurial skills,
(Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, founding-vice orities. In a fast-changing world with and encouraging them to write their
chancellor of JGU, speaking on the huge technological developments, first book. Participants representing
occasion. adolescents need to think critically, schools countrywide embarked on an
According to Prof. Raj Kumar dur- problem-solve, use creativity, adapt endeavor to write and publish their
ing the past 14 years, JGU has award- to changing situations, collaborate story books.
ed scholarships valued at Rs.250 crore and communicate effectively,” added The festival culminated in an
with almost half the students receiv- Jayant Rastogi, Global CEO, MBIF, awards ceremony to felicitate jury
ing scholarships of varying amounts. speaking on the occasion. award winners. The jury included
“It has been a life-changing experi- best-selling author and columnist
ence for many of our students as they Kotak Junior scholarships Saul Singer and Ami Dror, CEO and
got access to world-class education, co-founder of BriBooks.
which they may not have been able to Mumbai, september 28. Kotak Educa- “We are thrilled to have organised
afford,” he added. tion Foundation (KEF) — the corpo- the Summer Book Writing Festival,
rate social responsibility implement- providing young authors with the op-
Life skills training ing agency of the Kotak Mahindra portunity to publish their first book.
Group — launched a Kotak Junior
We hope this experience has instilled
initiative Scholarship scheme by awarding 750 in them a lifelong love for reading,
scholarships valued at Rs.4.72 crore writing, and entrepreneurship,” said
Bhopal, september 25. The Madhya for meritorious class X students from Ami Dror, promoter of Youbook Pte.
Pradesh government’s Department economically disadvantaged house- Ltd, speaking on the occasion.
of Tribal Affairs, which oversees edu- holds in Mumbai, to support their The winners of the Jury Award
cation in tribal blocks, has partnered further education. were Anvi Narayan for ‘The Best
with the Magic Bus India Founda- With this programme, KEF aims to Graduation Day Ever,’ Kaira Kohli for
tion (MBIF), to train a cadre of mas- create a strong support system at the ‘Starry Eyed Trina,’ and Ananya for
ter trainers and government school grass-roots level beyond financial aid, ‘A Dream Come True.’ For details of
teachers, equipping them to deliver for the education and development of best-seller award winners visit www.
life skills education to nurture ado- youth countrywide. KEF’s scholar-