Page 14 - EW September 2023
P. 14


         RESTART SINO-INDIA BORDER NEGOTIATIONS                            cially since Nehruvian socialist India
                                                                           was vehemently anti-imperialist. Ne-
                                                                           hru’s ‘talk but don’t negotiate’ policy
              he  conclusion  of  the  19th   20th century during the heyday of the   led to the Sino-India border war of
              meeting of top-level command-  British Raj over India. At that time to   1962  in  which  the  poorly-equipped
         Ters  of  the  Indian  Army  and   prevent Russian expansion beyond   Indian Army suffered a humiliating
         China’s People’s Liberation Army   Afghanistan, the British arbitrarily   defeat. But even as the PLA was poised
         (PLA) to discuss confidence building   drew border lines well north of the   to sweep across Assam, it declared a
         measures after the bloody River Gal-  Aksai Chin plateau which was a ter-  unilateral  cease-fire  and  retreated
         wan clash of May 2020, concluded in   ritory governed by Imperial China for   north of Tawang to leave a door open
         Chushul on August 14 without any ap-  centuries. Likewise to establish Tibet   for peaceful negotiations. But fearful
         parent progress. On September 9-10,   also governed by Imperial China for   of public opinion, successive govern-
         Prime Minister Narendra Modi is   centuries, as an independent buffer   ments at the Centre have continued
         likely to meet with premier Li Qiang   state between China and India, in 1914   with Nehru’s ‘talk but don’t negotiate’
         at the G20 Summit in Delhi. This is a   they extended the boundary of British   border policy.
         good opportunity to initiate de novo   India (Assam) to the north of the river   Although the BJP has always ad-
         negotiations on resolving the Sino-In-  and town of Tawang by concluding a   vocated a muscular approach to the
         dia border dispute that has bedevilled   treaty with the Tibet administration,   boundary question, it would be an
         the relationship between the world’s   to impose the McMahon line. The pro-  act of great statesmanship for prime
         two most populous and high-potential   clivity of the British to decree arbitrary   minister Modi to re-start bona fide ne-
         nations since the early 1950s. It’s also   border lines all over the world includ-  gotiations — which means give a little,
         pertinent to note that even as troops of   ing Africa and the Middle East and   take a little — towards resolving the
         the two nations are squaring off along   indeed between India and Pakistan in   highly volatile Sino-Indian border dis-
         the 3,488 km undetermined border   1947, is well-known recorded history.   pute. Our two nations lived in peace
         Sino-India merchandise trade is at an   Therefore, it’s inexplicable that the   and harmony for several millennia
         all-time high with India’s trade defi-  Congress government of newly inde-  until the machinations of the British
         cit with China exceeding $100 billion   pendent India — and Prime Minister   Raj. That status quo ante needs to be
         (Rs.84,000 crore).               Nehru in  particular  — insisted on   restored between the world’s most
           The origins of the Sino-India bor-  adhering to Sino-India border lines   populous and high-potential neigh-
         der dispute can be traced to the early   inherited from the British Raj. Espe-  bour nations.

         INVOKE EQUITY LAW AGAINST BULLDOZER RAJ                           which the court may decree. Curi-
                                                                           ously, this well-established common-
                                                                           sense principle of law seems alien to
                                                                           bench and bar in India.
              reat injustice is being meted out   on railway land.           The judiciary and legal profession
              to  a large number  of citizens   Similarly on earlier occasions, Ut-  need to bring themselves up to speed
         Gby several state governments    tar Pradesh’s BJP government had   to apply this well-established princi-
         countrywide by demolition of homes   bulldozed homes and shops of minor-  ple of the law of equity. Moreover, the
         and shops — especially of the Muslim   ity citizens in Prayagraj because they   courts also need to take judicial notice
         minority community — by bulldozers   allegedly fomented rioting and attacks   of the common practice of the neta-
         called in at short notice. The flimsy   on Hindu religious processions. Court   babu brotherhood issuing fake title
         excuse proffered for the heart-rending   orders staying these demolitions are   papers to ill-educated rural migrants,
         razing of painfully accumulated prop-  invariably too weak and too late.   encouraging them to build homes and
         erty of bottom-of-pyramid citizens is   Inexplicably, the legal doctrine of   business premises on public land in
         that they have been unauthorizedly   ‘estoppel’, commonly applied in the   exchange for substantial bribes from
         constructed on government and/or   UK and perhaps all Common Law   meagre savings. Thus bottom-of-
         corporate land. On August 7, the Pun-  governed countries of the Common-  pyramid citizens are hit by a double
         jab & Haryana high court restrained   wealth, is not invoked to stay the de-  whammy when their homes and shops
         the Haryana government from dam-  molition of residential and business   are bulldozed by unmindful and/or
         aging or destroying the property of   properties of slum dwellers, the prime   communally prejudiced governments
         any citizens in Nuh village which re-  targets of bulldozer justice. Simply   many years — often decades — later.
         cently witnessed communal clashes,   stated, the doctrine posits that when   This situation is untenable. The vic-
         without a high court order.      government or private property is   tims of bulldozer injustice are entitled
           This court judgement was issued   encroached upon, it is the legal duty   to compensation for destroyed and/or
         after communal clashes  erupted on   of the owner thereof to protest and   damaged property. Simultaneously,
         July 31 in Nuh. Immediately thereaf-  obtain early stage stay orders against   bar and bench in this benighted re-
         ter, 250 shops and shanty homes in   further construction. If property own-  public need to wake from their inertia
         Muslim majority areas of Nuh were   ers fail to protest adverse possession   and innovate citizen-friendly legal and
         demolished by bulldozers deployed by   of their land and property within rea-  procedural laws to protect the prop-
         Haryana’s BJP government because   sonable time, their title is forfeit or re-  erty and lives of citizens at the bottom
         they had allegedly been constructed   tainable on below-market value sums   of the country’s iniquitous pyramid.

         14    EDUCATIONWORLD   SEPTEMBER 2023
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