Page 349 - EW September 2023
P. 349

Carmel Convent’s Sr. Fernandes: teacher training focus  Uttam School’s Sharmila Raheja: balanced education outcome

         GPS,” says Singh, who adds that the   #4 (#5 in 2022-23) as has Carmel   high scores for academic reputation
         school recently inaugurated a 400-seat   Convent School, Delhi  to  #6  (7)   and co-curricular education indicate
         air-conditioned auditorium. Sited on a   and NASR School, Khairatabad,   that our teachers are doing an excel-
         6.5-acre campus in the historical city   Hyderabad  to  #7  (6).  Walsing-  lent job of dispensing balanced educa-
         of  Jodhpur,  RKKGPS  has  1,685  girl   ham House School, Mumbai has   tion to prepare girl children for lead-
         children including 250 boarders men-  retained its #8 rank followed by DAV   ership roles in society,” says Raheja.
         tored by 150 teachers, on its muster   Girls Senior Secondary School,   Currently, the CBSE-affiliated Uttam
         rolls.                           Lloyds Road, Chennai at #9 (10)   School has an enrolment of 996 stu-
           Likewise,  Sr. Shanta Fer-     and  Presentation  Convent  Sr.   dents and 90 teachers.
         nandes, principal of Carmel Con-  Sec School, Jammu  (#8)  jointly   Within the 59-strong all-girls day
         vent, Chandigarh  (estb.1959),  is   ranked #10 with Sushila Birla Girls   schools league table of 2023-24, sev-
         delighted this CBSE-affiliated school   School, Kolkata (11).     eral  institutions  have  risen  in  pub-
         is promoted from #4 last year to #1   The  steady  and  spectacular  rise   lic  esteem.  Among  them  are  Notre
         in  2023-24.  “The  dedication  of  our   of Uttam School for Girls, Gha-  Dame Academy, Patna to #12 (16),
         faculty, students and staff has borne   ziabad  (estb.1995)  in  EWISR  from   Maheshwari Girls Public School,
         fruit. At Carmel Convent, our focus is   #19 in 2021-22 to #9 in 2022-23 and   Jaipur #18 (22), St. Joseph High
         on  training  and  empowering  teach-  #5  this  year  has  delighted  principal   School, Pashan, Pune  #21  (28),
         ers rigorous academics balanced with   Sharmila Raheja, who credits this   Auxilium Convent School, Kol-
         enabling co-curricular education for   big  promotion  to  the  school’s  “sup-  kata #33 (39) and Pragya Girls, In-
         a holistic learning experience. That’s   portive  management,  competent   dore #39 (45).
         why  I’m  grateful  that  we  have  been   teachers  and  diligent  students  who   A caveat: please note that schools
         awarded  highest  score  for  faculty   are constantly learning, improving and   modestly ranked in the national
         competence, academic reputation   setting new achievement goals”.   league table tend to be highly ranked
         and co-curricular education. We will   “I am especially pleased that Ut-  in  their  host  states,  some  of  which
         continue on the path of excellence and   tam School is ranked #1 on the criti-  are larger and more populous than
         work towards realising our mission of   cal parameter of individual attention   European  countries.  For  instance,
         Inspire, Empower and Excel,” says Sr.   to students. This is an important pa-  Arya Mahila NM Model School,
         Fernandes. Currently, the school has   rameter  for  us  because  we  strongly   Varanasi, ranked India #15 is the #1
         an enrolment of 2,100 students and   believe that all children can learn and   school of Varanasi and Uttar Pradesh
         82 teachers.                     develop their full potential if provided   (pop.235  million);  Holy Child Sr.
           Beyond  the  Top  3,  there’s  minor   individual attention and mentoring.   Sec School, Sonipat,  ranked  #35
         change  in  the  Top  10  seating  order   Our classroom strength is capped at   nationally is the #1 girls day school
         with the exception of Uttam School   30 with every girl child encouraged to   of Sonipat and Haryana (27 million);
         for Girls, Ghaziabad  which  has   participate in academic, co-curricular   and Aspee Kanya Vidyalaya, Bili-
         leapfrogged to #5 from #9 last year.   and  sports  activities  within  a  wider   mora, ranked #25 all-India is the top-
         Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls      environment and culture of empower-  ranked day girls school of Navsari and
         School,  Jaipur has inched up to   ment and opportunity. Moreover, our   Gujarat (70 million).

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