Page 12 - The Gospel of John_final
P. 12
Simple Questions from John 1:1-5
1. The first three words of John are the same as the first three words
of Genesis. What are the three words?
2. What was first, the creation or the Word?
3. What was Jesus doing before He became man?
4. According to John, did the Word exist with God in the beginning
or was God alone in the beginning?
5. When the light of Christ shone in the darkness, how what was the
result? How did the darkness react?
6. What effect does darkness have on light?
7. In John 1:1-3, what five claims are being made about the “Word”?
Are these five claims consistent with Genesis chapter 1?
8. To whom does that word refer?
9. What is the “darkness” in John 1:5?