Page 5 - The Gospel of John_final
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transforms, grows, and marks you eternally as a follower of Christ and
Sons of God. It is a life lived without hypocrisy or the shallowness of
religion. Along the way, John describes Jesus using seven specific titles.
These names outline both the purpose of Jesus' ministry, and His status as
both God and Savior. The seven names of John chapter one are "The
Word" (John 1:1–3; John 1:14), "The Light" (John 1:4–13), "The Son of
God" (John 1:15–28; John 1:49), "The Lamb of God" (John 1:29–34),
"The Messiah" (John 1:3, 42), "The King of Israel" (John 1:43–49), and
"The Son of Man" (John 1:50–51). Each of these is meant to explain a
particular aspect of who Jesus is, and the reason He was born on earth.
Prayer: Father, we thank you for the gift of your dear Son. He is the light
of the world. May we comprehend the depth of your Wisdom that allows
us to see Jesus for who He really is. The eternal Son who gives life and
life more abundantly to all who believe. In Jesus name. Amen.
The Gospel of John can be summarized like this:
1. Jesus is eternal, ever existing. [Pre-existent, Co-existent, Self-
2. He was born into the world. For the world. To save the world.
3. Jesus is the creator and the light of all (John 8:12, Colossians 1:16-
4. He was rejected by the darkness (John 1:11, Matthew 7:13-
14; compare Colossians 1:13)
5. Those who believe the witness, receive the right to new birth (John
3:1-12, 1Pet 1:23, Romans 8:12-17)