Page 5 - RDI Comic Book Update June 2021
P. 5
As mentioned, these are just a few of the initiatives we are
proud to share…
Organizational Development Organizational Change
always has a lot going on! Management has been Diversity, Equity and
one of the main things working hard at overseeing Inclusion is a revived
lately has been finding a organizational readiness for department with a total
way to offer all our great the WorkAbout Strategy of employee.
training courses in a Program. This includes
virtually. the planning and Linda has been working
implementing of a hybrid on many things
In addition, we are working working model that many including:
on a new customer service of us will shift to later -launching our DE+I
course for the entire this year. It’s a massive page on iNET,
organization. look for that undertaking! -providing awareness,
to be launched early next education and support
year. We are also working on for many DE+I topics
the Liquor Marts and initiatives
Oh, and don’t forget….COM POS Hardware Replacement - Working towards
APS’s and Survey Action Project amongst many forming a DE+I
Plans are due this other initiatives! committee this fall!