Page 20 - The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice
P. 20
I am writing this Introduction some 13 years Because this is only a book, and not five years with
after the first publication of The Rigger’s Apprentice. a master, one will find a limited sort of apprenticeship
In the course of those years I’ve run a bit of cord- here. It may propel you to work up a new gang of
age and wire through my loft, hung from a lot of rigging for your boat; it will improve your handling of
masts, and waved good-bye from a lot of docks and rope, wire, and rig; and if you ever have to improvise
decks. All those experiences changed and expanded a jury rig, it will stand you in good stead. If you like
my perspective. So when it came time to rewrite The what you see here and want to continue, then find a
Apprentice, it changed and expanded, too. rigger to teach you more. Watch, badger, cajole, do
Much of the new material comes from folding scut work, even pay for lessons: Learn.
in the contents of my second book, The Rigger’s If your marlingspike expertise is past the
Locker. But much of it, like the section on “exotic” apprentice stage already, consider this a collection
braided-rope splicing, is truly new, added because of variations on old themes, many little-known, that
its absence would have too seriously compromised you might find useful. Tradition involves constant
the apprenticeship. upgrading.
Much of the old material, though polished a bit While writing this book, I have tried always to
for this edition, is the same unapologetically out- keep in mind the virtues of resourcefulness, sim-
dated stuff it has always been. Like a good martial plicity, and enduring strength; they are conducive
art, it is still breathtakingly effective, still demands to good rigs, and to happiness. So I trust that what
skill, discipline, and intelligence on the part of its follows will be not only a collection of procedures,
practitioners, and will still get you through tight but an enjoyable way of proceeding.
spots when more modern concepts jam and fail.