Page 104 - isa-sboajc
P. 104

1                 ACTIVITY COVER SHEET

                 Activity number

                      School Name:  SBOA SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE

                    Title of activity:   SAFE AND HAPPY TRANSPORT
              Teacher responsible:  Mrs. R. Sai Sudha and Mrs.S. Bhuvaneswari

                         Other staff  All teachers handling Std I & II
                  Subject involved:  English, Maths, EVS, IT
                                       SCRAP BOOK:
                                        Aim :
                                            To  make  them  aware  of  the  sign  boards  that  are
                                        placed  on  roads,  Highways  and  important  places  in
                                        India, China and Singapore.
                                           To  not  just  acquire  the  knowledge  of  the  sign
                                            boards of India, China and Singapore, but also to
                                            understand  the  similarities  and  differences  in
                 Brief details of the      To  make  them  aware  of  the  meanings  and  the
                  aim, content and          importance  of  these  sign  boards  on  the  road
                   outcomes of the          across countries.
                            activity:   Content:
                                                 The students were encouraged to take pictures
                                       of different sign boards they came across on their way
                                       during  their  holiday  trips.  They  were  also  asked  to
                                       download  the  different  images  of  the  sign  boards
                                       used in China and Singapore. They maintained a scrap
                                       book for this activity and were awarded points based
                                       on the relevance, completion and neatness.
                                            Through the given activity of taking pictures of the
                                       different  sign  boards  as  they  travelled,  children
                                       enthusiastically involved themselves in the discussion
                                       and related its significance in their mundane life.
                                             They  could  comprehend  the  similarities  and  the
                                       differences of these sign boards and the significance
                                       of it on roads specially in these countries.

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