Page 137 - 李增宗-緣李增宗彩畫人生
P. 137

௩΃׼ٙ˨͎eϣɾeɾథᙲɲ๝ࡩശ̨ጟᚆ෤d2004ϋ8˜21˚                  2004ϋ9˜5˚ெඩޛeюԳ⺵Ν˚ᅅ͛  Y.L.Kuo & Chia-Ying Wu
              Mr.Fu's parents, our 2nd daughter son-in-law and both of us took a   celebrated the same birhday at our home in Van.
              picture at the orchid garden of TSC in Van.21 Aug. 04

                                                                2004ϋ10˜Norwegian SpiritίኈГࡩቦ֦  Landing at the Harbor of

              2004ϋ10˜5˚ኈГࡩʘБ  A picture in Mexico

                                                                ˋࣅ৵ඉቃʘБ   A Cruise tripped to Panama. A picture with the
                                                                Captain of NCL- Frank Juliussen Oct,10,2004

              A picture with show girls on aboard the NCL.(Norwegian Cruise Line)

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