Page 144 - 李增宗-緣李增宗彩畫人生
P. 144


           2010ϋ7˜ͭʆල௅ʘࣚ  A family tripped to the Hey-Pu Li Shan in   2010ϋ7˜5˚Ñ20˚ਞᝈ˚͉Υ౛܊dԟ݊˸϶ɿ̋ᇈণeዓͤe
           Japan                                           ᘻ໠e˝ૢଡ଼Υٙגɿ
                                                           July 520,2010 Visited in a clasp hands' House in Japan.

           2010ϋ7˜࢕ɛɓБ8ɛၾ܊˴Υᅂ  Took a picture with the owners

           2010ϋ12˜11ä18˚ၾֈʿɧe̬ɾՅΝࠌ৵ԸГԭٙᚆ̔۾                ᚆ̔۾݊৵ԸГԭГ̏௅ٙᕎࢥd΍Ϟ99ࡈྫྷˌࢥᏉd൷৵ԸГ
           LangkawiࢥІ͟БdҢࡁί޻൳ዚఙᔷዚ                          ԭ௔ήߒ30ʮԢ௰ቇऎᝄݺਗ
           A picture at the transfer Airport in eastern Malaysia.  Langkawi has 99 magical islands.

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