Page 195 - 侯壽峰-世界瑰寶美術館首展專輯
P. 195

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                         Hou, Shou-Feng CV

                         Born in Liujiao Township, Chiayi County, in 1938           Peoples and invited to a meeting with President Lee Teng-hui with
                         Graduated from Gengliao Elementary School.                 “Indigenous Culture Creative Project.”
                         Studied under:                                             2009  Awarded “Outstanding Senior Artist Award” by Taichung City
                         Applied Arts—Master Chen Ching-Hsi, Master Chen Chang-keng,   Government.
                         and Master Huang Liang-hsiung.                             2014  Registered as “Preserver of the Traditional Art of Theatrical
                         Fine Arts—Professor Lin Chih-chu.                          Sceneries” by Taichung City Government.
                                                                                    2016  Listed as “Outstanding Artist on the Art Map of Taichung” by
                         Present Positions:                                         Taichung City Government.
                         Preparatory Director of Hou, Shou-Feng Art Museum of World
                         Treasures                                                  International:
                         Founding President of Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition   2003  Three stage designs won Second Prize at the First Theatre
                         Exempted Artists Association                               Architecture Competition in Prague.
                         Chairperson of Taichung City Shou-Feng Art Development Society  2014  One oil painting selected to the International Figure Painting
                         Past Positions:                                            1994, 2000  Four Western paintings selected to the French Artists
                         Member of the Council for Cultural Affairs’ Provincial Fine Arts   Salon.
                         Exhibition Reorganization Advisory Board                   1982  Three works won Merit Award at Japan International Fine
                         Chairperson of the French-Salon Taiwan Artists Association Advisory   Arts Exhibition.
                         Board                                                      1999  The 9  National Exhibition of Fine Arts
                         Member of the Preparatory Committee of Taiwan Provincial
                         Museum of Fine Arts                                        Collections:
                         First and Second Chairperson of Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts   Completed 16 collections, a total of over 1,000 creative works.
                         Exhibition Exempted Artist Association
                         Board Director of the Graphic Design Association of the Republic of   Solo Exhibitions:
                         China, and Chairperson of the Central Taiwan Branch        Held 40 solo exhibitions at National Museum of History, Taiwan
                         Supervisor and Executive Supervisor of Taiwan Glue Painting   Provincial Museum, Taiwan Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, and
                         Association                                                municipal social education halls, libraries, stadiums, and cultural
                                                                                    centers from 1978 to 2018.
                         Major Awards:
                          (Nearly 54 Major Recognitions over 5 Decades)             Essays:
                         Domestic:                                                  Invited by Taiwan Provincial Government Information Office to
                         1978, 1979, 1980  Won Top 3 Prizes in three consecutive years in the   write 4 columns in Taiwan Pictorial and Taiwan Monthly for 8
                         Watercolor Category at the Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, receiving   years, accumulating over 100 essays, which were compiled into
                         “Permanent Exemption” honor.                               “Appreciation of Works by Contemporary Artists” and distributed
                         1969, 1970, 1980  Won Top 3 Prizes a total of three times in the Glue   to all domestic cultural and art institutions; a dozen of various art
                         Painting Category at the Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, receiving   history essays and jury’s statements in related catalogues.
                         “Invited Exhibitor” honor.
                         1981  Won the Fourth Chung Hsing Medal in Arts with glue   Personal Albums:
                         paintings.                                                 Published 10 albums from 1980 to 2018, 14 of which were
                         1997, 1998  Awarded two trophies by the Council of Indigenous   published by the government.

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