Page 48 - 3rd 地區活動暨年會特刊
P. 48


                                       地區總監                                                 前總監
                                       ɽ̏͠ਜٟ                                                ̨ʕʕਜٟ
                                       ᑽ؇ඤ                                                  ю׀Έ
                                       DG Paper                                             PDG John

           Rotary Connects The World                             Mankind is our business
           ҧቃஹഐ˰ޢ                                                ؂ਕɛᗳ݊Ңࡁٙԫุ

                                       前總監                                                  前總監

                                       ؍ɻޜ                                                  ҽනτ
                                       PDG Micro
                                                                                            PDG Surgeon
           Act with integrity, Serve with love, Work for peace   Celebrate Rotary 100 Years  ᅅज़ҧቃϵ඄ϋ

                                       前總監                                                  前總監

                                       ̨ʕ؇یٟ                                                ̨ʕಥਜٟ
                                       ҽΊୂ                                                  ᚥ૶͍
                                       PDG Lee                                              PDG Tiger

           Follow Your Rotary Dream  ৛ӋЫٙҧቃྫྷซ                    Service Above Self  ൴Ң؂ਕ

                              前總監                                                   前總監

                              ɽٟ͠                                                   ̨ʕʕ̯ٟ
                              ؍๿ಊ PDG Spray                                         ᄎ݇౉ PDG Music

           Create Awareness Take Action                          Lead The Way  ੭᎘ۃආ

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