Page 8 - 高惠芬-2015大地情懷-高惠芬畫集
P. 8

A Chronology of Artist Carol Kao

           A native of Yunlin County, Taiwan
           Areas of expertise: Ink and wash paintings, watercolor paintings and oil paintings

           1974  Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal         Solo exhibition of watercolors at the Chiayi City cultural Center,
               University                                                     November
           1976  First solo exhibition of ink and wash paintings, oil paintings, and       2003  Solo exhibition at the Art Center, National Yunlin University of Science
               calligraphy in Yunlin.                                         and Technology
           1982  Participated in the ROC 1,000-Person Exhibition and was listed in the      2004  Finalist in the watercolor group at the International French Salon; work
               Annual of Fine Arts of the Republic of China; served as the director          exhibited in France
               of the 2nd session of the Shangshang Painting Association      Solo exhibition of Ink and wash, watercolor, and oil paintings at the
           1986  Received the Award of Excellence at the Taipei Exhibition of Asian Art      Yunlin County Bureau of Cultural Affairs
               from China, Japan, and Korea, the Award of Excellence from the National   2005  Solo exhibition of watercolors at the Orchid Queen Art Gallery, Renai
               Cultural Association Painting and Calligraphy Competition, and held a      Road, Taipei
               solo exhibition at Wenying Hall, Taichung Cultural Center   2006  Participated in a joint exhibition of the Taiwan Watercolor Association at
           1987  Solo exhibition at the CTS Art Center, Taipei                the National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
           1988  Finalist at the 1st Asian International Art Exhibition       Solo exhibition at the Revenue Service Bureau, Yunlin County
           1991  Living in Canada. Nominated as a member of the International Culture      Exhibition at the Art Center of National Taipei University of Technology
               Promotion Committee, General Association of Chinese Culture, and      Exhibitions in Harbin and Qiqihar City, China; invited to serve as a
               engaged in culture and art exchanges between America, Canada and      visiting professor at the College of Arts, Qiqihar University
               Taiwan, promoting citizen's diplomacy                      2007  Solo exhibition of watercolors and ink and wash paintings at the art
           1993  Solo exhibition at the Taichung County Cultural Center       gallery of the Yunlin branch of National Taiwan University Hospital
           1994  Solo exhibition at the Tainan County Cultural Center         during the Lunar New Year
           1996  Solo exhibition at the Richmond Art Center in Vancouver, Canada, which      Donated the large 8 x 2.2-meter oil painting "Caring" to the Yunlin branch
               received positive reviews                                      of National Taiwan University Hospital in March in order to recognize the
           1997  Solo exhibition of watercolors at the Nankushen Art Center, Tainan County     care provided by the hospital to the residents of Yunlin. The painting
           1999  Solo of watercolors exhibition at Taipei Cultural Center     received enthusiastic reviews, and is also the largest oil painting in Yunlin.
           2000  Solo exhibition of ink and wash paintings at the Nankushen Art Gallery,      Solo exhibition "A Loving World by Carol Kao" at the art center of
               Tainan County, February                                        National Formosa University in April
               Solo exhibition of ink and wash paintings and watercolors at the Taichung      Participated in Cross-Strait International Fine Art Exhibition at Hong
               City Cultural Center                                           Kong City Hall
               Solo exhibition of watercolors in Irvine, Los Angeles, bringing a      Solo exhibition at the art center of National Yunlin University of Science
               refreshing change of pace to local art fans                    and Technology, November

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