Page 100 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第二冊
P. 100
ฌ Love 30Ò70Ò15cm 2022 ڀ੪ͩ Granite
ږՊ ಀᐏΌߕ࢝Ꮄ፯ʿɝ፯εϣe Chen, Jin-Dian
ၽජߕ࢝ვᆤeზᆤʿ˰ശ Mr. Chen has won jugdes' awards and merit awards at the Taiwan Provincial Fine
1939.06.08 Arts Exhibition many times. He also has won a Silver Medal and Bronze Medal at the
Tai-Yang Art Exhibition, Cathay United Bank Awards and Awards of Merit both twice,
(H)04-23142818 ୋɧΤfʕᎉ෧ɽ࢝Ꮄ፯dЪۜ as well as Third Prize at the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central. His works have earned
403023 ၽʕ̹Гਜ ̳ᐏၽʕ̹ᔮᆀᎉ෧ʮՊ him another Award of Merit at the Central Taiwan Sculpture Exhibition and one of his
׀່37܍9 works, “Pregnancy,” was collected and displayed by the Taichung Feng Le Sculpture
Park. He has served as a juror for the Tai-Yang Art Exhibition, Arts Exhibition of
ߕ࢝൙ᄲf˄ජ˖ʷᖵஔึ੬ Taiwan Central and Huangsi Art Exhibition. He serves as standing board member of
ਕଣԫʿၽජߕஔึଣԫf the Sun Culture and Arts Association.