Page 100 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第二冊
P. 100

ฌ  Love   30Ò70Ò15cm  2022  ڀ੪ͩ  Granite

                                ௓ږՊ              ಀᐏΌ޲ߕ࢝Ꮄ፯ʿɝ፯εϣe                  Chen, Jin-Dian
                                                 ၽජߕ࢝ვ೐ᆤeზ೐ᆤʿ˰ശ                  Mr. Chen has won jugdes' awards and merit awards at the Taiwan Provincial Fine
                                1939.06.08                                       Arts Exhibition many times. He also has won a Silver Medal and Bronze Medal at the
                                                                                 Tai-Yang Art Exhibition, Cathay United Bank Awards and Awards of Merit both twice,
                                (H)04-23142818   ୋɧΤfʕ௅ᎉ෧ɽ࢝Ꮄ፯dЪۜ                 as well as Third Prize at the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central. His works have earned
                                403023 ၽʕ̹Гਜ     ”̳•࿲ᐏၽʕ̹ᔮᆀᎉ෧ʮ෤Պ                 him another Award of Merit at the Central Taiwan Sculpture Exhibition and one of his
                                ׀່൑37܍9໮                                         works, “Pregnancy,” was collected and displayed by the Taichung Feng Le Sculpture
                                                                                 Park. He has served as a juror for the Tai-Yang Art Exhibition, Arts Exhibition of
                                                 ๣ߕ࢝൙ᄲf˄ජ˖ʷᖵஔ՘ึ੬                 Taiwan Central and Huangsi Art Exhibition. He serves as standing board member of
                                                 ਕଣԫʿၽජߕஔ՘ึଣԫf                   the Sun Culture and Arts Association.
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