Page 147 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第二冊
P. 147
ᅂ Photography
ҽڀዓɨٙɓᛉ˥ A Puddle Under the Plum Blossom 60Ò84cm 2024
රྗ௷ ಀͭၽʕԃɽኪᐼਕڗeߕஔ Huang, Jia-Sheng
ኪӻ˴eൖᛓԃʕː˴dΌ Mr. Huang has served as the dean of general affairs, director of the Department
1957.07.25 of Fine Arts and Audiovisual Education Center, at National Taichung University of
Education. He has served as a juror for the National Art Exhibition, ROC, the Taiwan
(O)04-23725117 ᗳˢᒄ൙ᄲ։ࡰdତͭၽʕԃ Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition and Art Exhibition Competitions held around Taiwan
(M)0937-276453 ɽኪߕஔኪӻࡒબf in the photography category. He is currently an adjunct professor of the Fine Arts
Department at National Taichung University of Education.