Page 12 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 12

ږʆᝣ߇  Splendid Autumn in the Golden Mountain  32Ò68cm

                               ؍Ꮤସ               ؇ऎɽኪʮ΍Б݁޼Ӻהଭุfତ΂j              Lin, Mao-Sheng
                               1938.03.25        ʕ௅ߕ࢝e޲઺ࢪߕ࢝eΌ਷ߕஔ࢝e              Mr. Lin graduated from the Department of Public Management and Policy of Tunghai
                                                                                University, and he is currently a member of the Ministry of Education's Environmental
                                                 ʕ˚ߕ࢝eʕᒵߕ࢝dԨᏐᒗ׵ၽʕጤ              Education Council. He has participated in the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central;
                               (H)04-25286799                                   Provincial Teachers’ Fine Arts Exhibition; National Art Exhibition, ROC; Sino-Japanese
                               (M)0912-377787    ͭ˖ʷʕːࡈ࢝f፨ɝၽᝄ຅˾೥࢕              Fine Arts Exhibition; and Sino-Korean Fine Arts Exhibition. He was also invited by
                               403009 ၽʕ̹Гਜ      Τᛠ‘eၽᝄ຅˾ߕஔ࢕ᗘՊ‘eʕ             Taichung County Cultural Center to hold a solo exhibition. He is included in the Taiwan
                               ͏ᛆ༩304܍6໮5ᅽ       ശ͏਷ߕஔ࢕Τᛠ‘eၽಥዦࣣ೥ᖵ              Contemporary Painters Directory, Taiwan Contemporary Artists Dictionary, ROC
                                                 ஔ̹ఙ‘ʿʕ˚ߕஔΤɛ፽‘f78 ϋ
                                                                                Artists Directory, Taiwan and Hong Kong Art Market, and Chinese and Japanese Art
                                                 ˜ᖵஔᑚ˦޴ෂÑୋ 2 ֣ၽʕጤߕஔ࢕            Celebrities. He had participated in the 2nd Art Inheritance Taichung County Artist’s
                                                 ટɢ࢝™d࿲ᐏ 107 ϋܓၽʕ̹༟ଉ            Relay Exhibition in 1989. He was invited in the 2020 Taichung City Huludun Cultural
                                                 ᎴӸߕஔ࢕d࿲ᐏ 2020 ϋ໡ᘻᄧ˖ʷ           Center Invatational Exhibition. He received the Outstanding Senior Artist Award from
                                                 ʕːᒗሗ࢝f2019 ϋ߇؍‘࿲ᐏၽ            Taichung City Government in 2018. In 2019, "Autumn Forest" was honored with
                                                                                collection by the Taichung City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau.
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