Page 34 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 34

ɽࢪΙ଱  Master's Imprint  73Ò78cm  2024

                                ю׼म                       ಀᐏΌ਷ߕஔ࢝eʕ௅ߕ࢝Ꮄ               Wu, Ming-Zhu
                                                          ፯dၽජߕ࢝ɝ፯dၽʕጤߕ               Ms. Wu has won several awards, including Awards of Merit at the National
                                1956.03.10                                            Art Exhibition, ROC and the Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central, a short-listing
                                                                                      at the Tai-Yang Art Exhibition, and Second and Third prize at the Taichung
                                (H)04-22732636   04-22776132  Ⴁ೥ණ1̅ʿ˥ኈ௴Ъሞࠑɔ           County Art Exhibition. She has also held several solo exhibitions, published
                                (M)0933-511797            ̅fତމɽήᖵஔʈѥࠋப                one art album and one book of ink painting analysis. Currently, she is a
                                411027 ၽʕ̹˄̻ਜ                                         principal of Da Di Art Studio. She received a Master's degree from the
                                ʕ̻༩36໮                    ɛf਷ͭၽʕ઺ԃɽኪߕஔ޼               Graduate Institute of Fine Arts at National Taichung University of Education.

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