Page 41 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 41

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Ink Painting

                                                                                                              Ҏζ  The Mysterious Void  63Ò87cm  2024

                                     ঺ʘ᎑               ਷ͭၽᝄᖵஔɽኪࣣ೥ᖵஔ޼Ӻה၂                 Yuan, Zhi-Jing
                                                       ɻfᖵஔᑚ˦޴ෂÑୋ14֣ၽʕ̹ߕ                Ms. Yuan received a Master's degree from the Graduate Institute of Chinese
                                     1958.07.21                                         Painting  and  Calligraphy  at  National Taiwan  University  of Arts.  She  had
                                                                                        participated in the 14th Art Inheritance Taichung Artist's Relay Exhibition in 2024.
                                     (M)0937-128733    Ҧɽኪe਷ͭʕጳɽኪeಃජ߅Ҧɽ                 Served as a lecturer at Chungtai University of Science and Technology, National
                                                       ኪᑺࢪfɽᄧ˖ʷʕːબሙ઺ࢪfᘆ                 Chung Hsing University, and Chaoyang University of Technology. Also taught
                                                       ዣ˖ʷ༟ପ޼Ӻኪึଣԫڗeၽᝄ޲                 at Dadun Cultural Center. Chairman of the Lize Cultural Heritage Research
                                                                                        Association and Honorary Chairman of the Taiwan Provincial Chinese Painting
                                                       ʕ਷ࣣ೥ኪึ࿲ᚑଣԫڗf                     and Calligraphy Association.
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