Page 159 - 李增宗-花言花語-李增宗88獻禮
P. 159
The language of flowers The present on my 88 Birthday
Flowers and trees etc. dedicated to heathen gods
˄ජग़ Apollo ˜ڥɾग़ Diana
ʆবുᙶࣹ ˜࣭ዓ ᑛஃڀ
The cornel cherry tree Laurel Dittany
ࡔˮ Pluto ۿɾग़ Juno
ݡዓ ˆণ ϵΥڀ
Cypress Maidenhair lily
ᇅᗳɾग़ Ceres ฌձߕٙɾग़ Venus
ᘆ݆ڀߕɛ ˥̀ڀ ࣹږᘐ
Poppy Narcissus Myrtle
Ҏᖳ˴ग़ Jupiter ౽ᅆҦᖵɾग़ Minerva ৢग़ Bacchus
ዖዓ ዔᝃ ൃᇶٓု
Oak Olive Vine