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In the current environment are you optimistic, or pessimistic; is the glass half full or half empty? I would like to suggest that it is in the eye of the beholder. e current state of a airs in your territory, or more speci cally at your rm, will in uence how you answer this question.
Based on di erent media outlet reports, it seems like things in general are going from bad to worse all around the world. In our industry, we’ve watched component lead times skyrocket, and while they are beginning to come down, this phenomenon has taken its toll. e period of “over- booking” is over; order frequencies and volumes are going down. e uncertainty fostered by the trade friction between U.S. and China and the tari s both add to the consternation.
In its May 2019 Survey Summary, TPC reported the following, “Our May 2019 Semi industry survey of over 20K electronic industry professionals showed mixed results. While we are seeing slight improvements in demand; bookings and cancellation trends continue to be choppy. Additionally, inventories, while generally improving, continued to be elevated in some product areas.” Elevated in- ventories cause pushouts, cancellations and delayed billings for both distributors and manufacturers.
On the Electronics Sourcing NA website for June 2019, in an article by James Carbone, TTI’s COO Mike Morton was quoted saying: “ e year started o absolutely fantastic...” He went on to talk about the growth across their sectors in Q1-2019. But while TTI’s book-to-bill ratio in the Americas was positive, in Europe it was below 1 and in Asia their backlog is shrinking.
is story is not unique to the U.S. market. ere are global concerns as well.
In a June 5 article on the Disty Blog, author Mick Elliott, commenting on the U.K. and Ireland distribution market wrote, “Overall bookings crashed 27 percent in April 2019 compared to the previous month and also showed an 18 percent decline in the same month in 2018. e book-to- bill ratio in April 2019 declined by 14 points to 0.92:1, with the polynomial trend line suggesting a continuing ‘ attening’ as we progress into Q2’19.”
In an April 2019 CNBC article about the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Report, it was reported that “China, the second-largest economy in the world, grew by 6.6 percent last year (2018) — its worst performance in 28 years. eir projection is at to down for 2019 and 2020.” More fallout from the trade war and tari s it seems. e “macro-economic” view is not optimistic as I see it.
But what about the other side of the coin; what’s happening on the ground, in our territories and in our own rms? Many of the reps that I talk to are optimistic and it seems with good reason. ey report positive things happening in their “micro-economies.” ere is business out there, they say, if you are willing to work and beat the bushes. Just this morning, one of our own customers placed a brand new $300,000+ purchase order, all shipping within four months. e number of legitimate business opportunities we are seeing has grown in 2019. is month we are in the process of signing a new line that already holds some business and has a great upside. I am squarely in the optimism camp; the glass half full mood describes mine. How can your outlook be described?
Change is coming whether we are ready for it or not; and at a mind boggling pace. It seems that Tampa has been a hotbed for testing autonomous vehicles. Recent news announced that a bill would be signed that would likely mean we could see driverless trucks on the road by 2020. Not sure I’m ready for this. is is being fueled by the fast pace of technology that we are seeing in all aspects
of our lives, personal and business. Here are some of the key technology items that have evolved, seemingly overnight. ey include 5G, AI, IIoT, AR,VR, digital twins, data analytics, autonomous materials handling, cobots, exoskeletons, generative design, AM and blockchain.
Just moments ago I read an article saying that Florida was looking at using blockchain to bring together many local and state activities. Blockchain is a decentralized register made up of endless connected cryptographic blocks. We are seeing it in use in the supply chain context.
Manufacturing is becoming more and more engaged in the use of “digital twins” in prototyp- ing analyzing and testing. Quite honestly, it seems that technology is moving so fast it is outpac- ing the ability of most companies to understand, deploy and maximize its use.
Virtual reality is being used to improve healthcare, in ight simulators and in the entertain- ment world.
In our day-to-day interface with our customers and principals we will encounter many of these and other evolving technologies. We just need to remember our fundamentals and charge ahead. It comes down to not forgetting what we are in business for in the rst place. We must look for opportunities that these evolving technologies o er us and how we t into the picture.
Bob Evans, CPMR
EK Micro
Rolling Meadows, Ill.
Optimism vs. pessimism
Troy Gunnin
Sun Rep Inc. Tampa, Fla.
Change is in the air
The Representor | Summer 2019 27