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MASENO UNIVERSITY                                                            GENERAL INFORMATION

      Maseno University extends a warm welcome to students coming to study here. Many of you will be
      away  from  home  and  we  will  do  our  best  to  ensure  that  your  stay  with  us  will  be  academically
      rewarding and socially enjoyable. We have over 17,000 students studying at the University. They
      come from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures and contribute to enhance and enrich life at
      the  University.  In  addition  the  University’s  eCampus  facilitates  online  delivery  of  high  quality
      certificate,  diploma  and  degree  programmes  to  learners  in  various  parts  of  the  country,  the  East
      African region and beyond.

      We hope you will find the information in this booklet informative and helpful. It covers such matters
      as application and registration procedures, campus services, accommodation costs and social life.

      Maseno University has taken a number of steps to ensure that all students coming here receive all
      the necessary attention and assistance they need.
      Orientation  programmes  have  been  organized  for  all  new  students.  I  would  like  to  take  this
      opportunity to urge strongly your attendance at the orientation programme. It will allow us to provide
      you with a detailed introduction to the University and student life here, while giving you a little time to
      look  around  and  familiarize  yourself  with  Maseno  University  and  Kisumu  County  life  and  culture
      before  starting  your  studies.  You  will  find  the  dates  and  locations  of  the  various  orientation
      programmes in this booklet.

      We are confident that your stay with us will be a fruitful one and that you will leave Kisumu County
      with fond memories of your time spent in Maseno University.

      Prof. Julius O. Nyabundi
      Vice-Chancellor, PhD, OGW

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