Page 6 - Ruth Mazyck Corbett Virtual Memorial
P. 6

... don’t forget we’re supposed to meet for lunch...........???

        Well, I’ve done the angry cry, I did the ugly cry...And today I do the grateful cry
        For the heartfelt appreciation I have that God allowed you to pass by

        And touched my life in a blessed and memorable way.
        I was a recipient of your prayers, your sincere best wishes, encouragement and some guidance when I needed it most.
        I was always a welcoming recipient of your “awesome baked goodies”, especially when made “just for me” and I was

        a “reciprocal recipient” of your mamasista hugs, chats and love that I will sorely miss, but I know the prayers and
        your watchful eye will still be close, because God has gathered you up, one of his “chosen angels”, and increased your
        territory to watch over us ALL.  You always wanted me to be clear that I am here in this life, blessed and covered by

        God’s grace and mercy for a divine purpose, and some purposes yet to be fulfilled, and that I will! You’d say, “... let
        me tell you something, you are                                                doing exactly what God wants you
        to do, no matter if you can see it,                                           doesn’t matter if you like it, just

        believe it and do it, because you                                             ...are a source of God’s
        goodness”, and I should take that                                             to heart, because indeed she
        certainly was a source of “blessed                                            goodness” to me and for many.
        She was quiet, calculated, a                                                  humble spirit, with a might and

        feist you didn’t want to tangle                                               with, but be better served to stand
        with her, to listen to her, learn                                             from her, in a struggle or in a

        victory won. Thank you for the                                                prayers you prayed on my behalf,
        Thank you for the encouragement                                               to do that which I may least
        prefer, but you always reminded                                               me, that I was called to do.
        I won’t forget your kind and

        loving mama Corbett laughs,
        snacks, talks, hugs and prayers.
        I thank you very sincerely for

        assuring me that those who’ve
        loved and protected me, that are
        all gone, are still close by and

        continue to watch over me. You’d
        say, “ know that you’ll be alright, and when your heart is at its heaviest just keep
        remembering with joy and listening to the God voice I know you hear, and let that

        voice instruct, inform and guide you to your good, and it will!  I’ll be expecting to see
        you at one of our meetings soon, and if you’re still not ready for a group its ok,   just
        don’t forget we’re suppose to meet for lunch...

        Ok, love you”!

                                 I’ll say farewell for now and I won’t forget. May you Rest in Perfect Peace!!!
                                              Love one of your “other” daughters, Judith
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