Page 11 - MIL Connection Winter 2018
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HDI Nominations for 2018

                                     MIL is pleased to announce that two members of the customer service team supporting the
                                     International Trade Administration (ITA) have been singled out for recognition by the Help Desk
                                     Institute (HDI). This year MIL staffer Carolyn Copeland received a nomination for “Desktop
                                     Support Technician of the Year” and Tysheena Murray for “Analyst of the Year.”

                    Carolyn Copeland                                        Tysheena Murray

                       This is Carolyn’s second year in a row to be             MIL’s second HDI nomination for 2018 is
                       nominated for an HDI award. Nominator Rian               for Tysheena Murray who was nominated
                       Jackson noted that it’s Carolyn’s “strong and            for HDI “Analyst of the Year” by Program
                       consistent demonstration of customer service             Manager, Rian Jackson. In her glowing
                       and team first attitude, that sets her apart.”           nomination for Tysheena, Ms. Jackson
                       She goes on to add that “she’s first to volunteer        states: “Tysheena Murray aka “Ty” is a
           to run those emergency incidents and does so, with great   consummate IT professional, in my almost 20 years in IT I
           focus and outstanding follow through. She approaches tasks   haven’t met such a driven and skilled technician this early in
           and requests that she has never serviced before with great   her career.”
           confidence and ensures that other teammates are up to speed   Ms. Jackson also noted that Ty had also been praised by her
           on any unique issues or new troubleshooting techniques.” In   ITA customers on several occasions, noting the following
           Ms. Jackson’s opinion excellence requires an analyst to “know   client feedback:
           their job, know their environment, trust in their own technical
           skills and abilities, provide confident, concise results to the     » “Thanks, Tysheena, once again for prompt help and
           users. Carolyn embodies all those qualities.”          impeccable service” -Chris P.
                                                                   » “I had never experienced such a prompt attention to my
                                                                  email request.  It was almost instantaneous!” -Regina C.
    We join Linda C., Rian Jackson, and the rest of MIL’s customers
    and ITA teammates in saying thank you for your outstanding     » “I do not know what I would do without your excellent
    efforts and skill, and congratulations to our nominees on their 2018   support! Thank you.” -Linda C.

                                                                    employees of the month

        October 2018: Jennifer Johnson

                           Jennifer Johnson is the key to successful   about benefits, time sheets, etc., efficiently and effectively. And
                           human resources and recruiting processes   after the employee has started, Jennifer continues to ensure
                           in MIL's Charleston, SC office. Jennifer has   everything runs smoothly behind the scenes, so the employee
                           been a strong proponent and significant   can focus on delivering great customer service.  If that wasn't
                           participant in the MIL Southeast Regional   enough, she also coordinates the Open Enrollment presentations
                           Office obtaining ISO 9001 Certification   and materials for Charleston staff. The MIL Charleston office has
                           for our recruiting and on-boarding   more an 150 employees and Jennifer ensures all of their human
                           process in September 2013 and achieving   resources needs are met and exceeded.
                           re-certification each year since. She
                           ensures that standard processes are
        documented and followed from initial recruiting to on-boarding
        new employees. In addition, she tracks and reports the monthly   Did you know?
        ISO metrics to ensure we are meeting our self-imposed time-
        line requirements for our interviewing and on-boarding ISO   We interview every Employee of the Month!
        processes. Most importantly though, she is often the first friendly,
        helpful MIL representative when candidates are becoming      You can read their Employee Profile on the MIL
        new employees. She professionally delivers offer letters, answer   website ( under the Careers
        questions about background checks and clearance processing and   tab on the Employee Profiles page.
        ensures EVERYTHING is ready for the employee's first day. She
        also conducts new employee orientation and provides a great first
        impression of MIL while covering a multitude of information
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