Page 1 - The Leadership Line: June 2022
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The Leadership Line
Manager’s Newsletter
June 2022
June is PRIDE Month!
Cities across the world are celebrating Pride Month with parades and events to honor the LGBTQ+
activists who fought for gay liberation during the Stonewall riots of 1969. A year later, the nation’s first
Gay Pride marches were held, thus launching a worldwide celebration of LGBTQ+ pride and history
every June.
In honor of this important time of reflection, we encourage everyone to form deeper relationships
based on mutual respect and continue to build a culture that weaves this approach to diversity and
inclusion into everything we do. Research shows that when an employee is able to demonstrate a
sense of authenticity and belonging in a workplace where they are respected and accepted—they
are more productive and significantly less likely to leave a company. When we claim, People Making
the Difference, it doesn’t mean that we only make a difference to our customers, it means we make
a difference to each other. True engagement and connection cannot happen if a person feels unseen,
invisible, or forced to conform to antiquated social constructs.
Wonder if you’re helping create an inclusive culture at MIL? Do your employees feel they can be their
authentic selves at work? What are pronouns and why are they important? We’ve covered that and we
have a roundup of resources for you here.