Page 1 - The MIL Leadership Line: April 2022
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The Leadership Line

                            Manager’s Newsletter

                             April 2022

           National Stress Awareness Month

           April is Stress Awareness Month, and it’s important for managers to ensure they are staying on top of the
           risks to their employees presented by job-related stress. Stress refers to how your brain and body responds
           to changes and challenges. Stress can be helpful by keeping you alert, motivated, and ready to avoid
           danger, but chronic stress can have a negative effect on your mind and body, especially when it is not
           managed properly.
           Each individual is equipped to cope with a certain baseline level of stress and even to deal with some
           temporary additional stressors. But when an employee’s coping skills are exceeded and their stress levels
           soar, it takes a toll.

           As leaders, seek ways to stay in the loop about organizational changes that could increase workers’ stress
           levels. Keep your finger on the overall pulse of employees so that you can quickly identify and respond to
           workers who appear to be suffering from stress-related issues.
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