Page 3 - The Leadership Line: March 2022
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Promote learning and development opportunities –       Create a positive work environment – To retain
        Make sure to provide Millennials with challenges, as well   Millennials, focus on creating a positive work environment
        as learning and development opportunities, so they can   that promotes teamwork, inclusion, and creative thinking.
        develop professionally.                                Focus on effective leadership – Millennial’s hate office
        Reward and appreciate – Millennials highly value rewards   politics. They like to do business in an ethical way and will
        and recognition, as does your entire team. Take the time to   settle for nothing less.
        recognize and celebrate all successes, not just the big ones!

                    Millennials are a generation that enjoys working with leaders who are honest, accessible, and reliable.  They
                    respect leaders who give them opportunities to learn and grow, provide regular feedback, and are positive.

        Retain Female Talent on Your Team

        The “Shecession” of 2020 saw over 2.3 million women        2    Coaching conversations: Look back at
        drop out of the workforce, putting participation to a 33-       previous female employees you promoted; can
        year low. As an example, women accounted for 196,000            they do their job functionally? If you said yes, do
        (86.3 percent) of the 227,000 jobs lost in December 2020,       you know if they feel satisfied and/or challenged?
        according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.                    Coaching conversations can really help women
        So, why are women leading the way in the Great                  identify the skills and competencies they wish
        Resignation?                                                    to leverage as they advance in their career. As
        Some women may be leaving their jobs to explore better          manager, you can provide additional guidance
                                                                        regarding projects that are deserving of their time
        opportunities and a higher income. Some are simply              and attention.
        burned out while others are concerned about child or
        elder care. These extra tasks combined with the pressure   3    Educate yourself on the unique challenges
        already created by the pandemic has led many working            women face: Women already face obstacles
        women to feel isolated and detached, thus leading               when it comes to their professional development
        them to consider other jobs or leave the workforce in its       and pay equity, but Latina and Black women face
        entirety.                                                       a larger disparity. Assure the women and women
                                                                        of color on your team that you are prioritizing

        Four ways you can retain female talent on your team:            equitable practices to help them succeed in
                                                                        their careers.
            1   Focus on mentorship: Women who want to             4    Understand the challenges working
                                                                        mothers face: According to a McKinsey study
                advance in their careers cannot do so without
                the advocacy of their senior leadership.                on women in the office, mothers are three times as
                Mentoring women at various levels within our            likely as fathers to be responsible for most of the
                company can show our high potential female              housework and childcare. Many women are also
                talent that you are invested in their long-             concerned that their work performance may be
                term success. Connect them with the right               significantly impacted because of their caregiving
                leader who will be able to prepare them for             responsibilities. Rethink their goals, recalibrate
                the next stage in their career. (Be thoughtful          your expectations. Assure the working mothers on
                with mentoring pairings. What is the mentee             your team that they are not being judged by their
                looking to practice? What is their learning style?      responsibilities. Empathic leadership will pave the
                Be careful to not to cause more confusion for           road for future success.
                the mentee.)
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